Can I Freelook the magrider main gun please?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cest7, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Cest7

    So.... im constantly having to switch to and from 3PV in my mag because A. I can't turn the turret and see beside me B. The vehicle FOV is pathetically small.

    Can you make the freelook key work for the magrider? I want to be able to look left/right like EVERY OTHER vehicle in the game. I though about requesting the turret articulate with freelook and be able to fire... but... baby steps.
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  2. ajma

    No, VS is not allowed any kind of buff.
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  3. BobSanders123

    That is one of the downsides to having that tank.
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  4. Alarox

    I don't see why not. Make it so that third person rotates the camera around the Magrider rather than being synced to the turret.
  5. Popper100

    Spiker would like a word with you.
  6. Leftconsin

    Seems like a possible QoL improvement.
  7. ajma

    SOE will probably nerf it into oblivion once NC and TR start crying OP.
  8. Schizomatic

    Like I have enough problems placing C4 on Magriders without the pilots having a larger awareness than they already do.
  9. Pelojian

    no that's the downside you get for a fixed cannon that is easier to aim on varied terrain.

    other tanks get better viewing range in exchange for harder to aim on varied terrain.

    If you are sitting on terrain that has a slope (you have traction and your tank is not moving on the slope without user imput) and you are at an angle your turret will be pulled down by gravity affecting your aim and follow up shots, no such trouble for the magrider.

    What's the point of different factions if you want things to be more like one another?
  10. Alarox

    It amazes me how people will make excuses for the Magrider's inability to see what's around it.

    This is a QOL feature. It isn't like you're giving it increased damage or speed or armor. This is like when SOE made it easier for Vanguards/Prowlers/Lightnings to shoot while on the move. It's something that should have been there from the beginning.
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  11. SenEvason

    Sounds good. Something that should have been in since the beginning really.
  12. Plorf

    Dunno why people are opposing this. The Magrider has by far the worst awareness of any tank, which doesn't help its reputation of teamkilling. In order to see what's behind you, you've got to turn the thing completely around. Would be nice to see a freely moving 3rd person camera as well.
  13. Kanil

    The Flash would also like some free look love, while you're at it.
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  14. Schizomatic

    I wouldn't call it a quality of life improvement if it would directly affect a Magrider's K/D, not only in terms of being able to spot more enemies around them, but dodge the ones that do manage to get into it's blindspot for C4 or backshots. You know how hard it is to get on a Magrider's weaker back armor? Hard.
  15. Anonymous Qwop

    The magrider is suppose to have a fixed aiming. That gives us the ability to strafe while shooting.

    I suggest you have your gunner look around for you. And if you don't have a gunner then tough.

    Tip: Use the mag to shoot while moving backwards into cover. I have beaten a two manned prowler like that before, and I was solo.

    Edit: If anything, all ground vehicles should have the ability to look around like you can do in an aircraft. And increase mags turning speed.
  16. Leftconsin

    That is more of a vicious cycle that happens to everyone.
  17. Pelojian

    if you want turning speed take rival chassis over racer. mag turnspeed is fine. the fact that the maggie can strafe in 8 directions is reason enough not to give them the same viewing range of turreted tanks.
    • a turreted tank has more viewing range but less avoidance moves against C4
    • magrider has more avoidance moves against C4, but less viewing range then a turreted tank

    Seems pretty fair and balanced to me
  18. Xasapis

    The limited viewing range is the main reason a gunner is more important in a Magrider than any other MBT. Also, as a Magrider gunner, I spend more time looking at the rear, than at the front. I don't need to fire first at something that is in front of the tank. I do however need to see first something that is approaching the tank from the rear.
  19. MonnyMoony

    It remains to be seen whether the changes to the Spiker will constitute a buff ;)
  20. ronjahn

    I think this should be implemented, but to balance it out, there needs to be a visual indication that the Maggie's free look camera is facing your direction. You can always tell when all the other tanks are looking at you, and the Magrider shouldn't be any different.