Camo/Decal tests in VR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belarod, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Belarod

    Are there plans to test camo and decal looks in the VR? I tried last night by buying a single use camo pattern that is now only useable in VR. Not big deal, only cost me $0.50, but I was hoping for a place to test out different looks before I purchased them.
  2. DankFist

    Would be nice. Maybe they'll add that in later.
  3. Vanuub

    Should have unlocked them in VR along with everything else. Including composites, helmets, vehicle swag.
    TBH i am waiting for the 'improved item preview' thing on the roadmap, as the communitysites only have good coverage for the TR stuff. There is 'some' NC stuff and the VS is almost only alphasquad stuff (which paints you in a garish attentiongrabbing pink-purple).
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