C4 too situational for the cost?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Schul78, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    Regen kit + nano-regen = the ultimate pre-fight buff
  2. Shiaari

    See, I play a medic to heal and revive, not to be more survivable. If it's that good of a prefight buff then it needs a nerf. There's no need for medics to be themselves more survivable, except to enhance the survivability of their compatriots.
  3. cruczi

    Of course, the only reason as a medic that you would do this is to survive a 1v1 versus a tough opposition in order to heal/revive your team. You need to be survivable in order to function as a support class, this is the primary reason most good medics wear nanoweave.

    Just because it's effective doesn't mean it should be nerfed, and what do you mean by "that effective"? How effective? What other pre-fight buffs are there :D
  4. Shiaari

    I see your point.
  5. DeadliestMoon

    What people forget is that healing stacks, except two resto kits. But one resto kit and aoe heal turned on means that you can probably tank an extra bullet. Resto kit + your aoe heal + an ally's aoe heal + a healing grenade could probably let you tank 3 extra bullets at most.
  6. cruczi

    Surviving one more bullet is pretty important. Often it will be just the difference you need. And in more drawn out fights it can translate to much more than just one bullet... regen kit alone is +100% health over 6 seconds.

    And if you win the fight, then due to having activated your regens beforehand, you will quickly be back to full hp which decreases your downtime in fights and decreases the chance of dying to other enemies after winning a fight.
  7. TekFan

    C4 is a blast, literally.
    It's a sadistic fun to place C4 in the path of a MAX that defends a point, go into cover and yell "I need a medic!".
    Most times I place it so I see their reaction when they notice I've got a trigger in my hand when rounding the corner I'm standing behind.
  8. smmim

    Once I killed an enemy sunderer with 2 C4s as a medic. It was undamaged before I hit it, and had a few enemies spawning in it. The C4s set it on fire, then I had to defend my hard work (and 200 infantry resources) until the fire destroyed it. This meant killing every engineer (and potential engineer) that spawned at it for upwards of 2 minutes. I managed to do it, resorting to my beamer after my thanatos ran out of batteries. Where would I be without that C4? Running back to the spawn room to grab my tank mines.
  9. wuffar

    It's not that expensive unless you don't play much.

    I recently spent my certs on C4 and I haven't been able to sneak up on tanks/maxes yet, but I have been able to throw it onto maxes feet while running up to them and killing him (sometimes 2 at a time...).

    Generally when it does happen, it can turn the tide of a small/medium sized battle which is fun!
  10. Pooliscool

    C4 is a MAX killer and bombs vehicles if you're one of the first there before a Heavy Assault. It's always worth its cost, if you ask me.
  11. acksbox

    C4 is handy, and well worth the cost, especially since the other options for the slot are even more situational.

    Well the game is going to need some class to fill the heavy assault role after they nerf the snot out of Heavy Assault in the next big balance patch.

    May as well be Medics. I'm certing mine up hardcore in preparation for the inevitable.

    When they nerf Medic because of how survivable//capable it is, I'll switch to light Assault, then Engineer. Then, when 90% of the game is infiltrators, I'll find a new game to play.
  12. Deteno

    I personally don't much like the C4 on Medics; it gives a lot of people confidence they shouldn't have and they start trying to suicide-rush tanks only to die an embarrassing death in the middle of the road. I usually just opt for medical kits so I don't have to waste my nanite aura on my own injuries, I can save it for the team. C4 can be useful though if you're trying to keep an eye out for your squad or babysit the zerg by planting a boomer near an entry point, preferably away from the range of rocket blasts, then be ready to hit the trigger if the enemy troops manage to press toward your position or a MAX stumbles on in.
  13. acksbox

    Meh, the healing aura regens pretty fast once you rank it up a little. I use it on my own injuries habitually, even activating it as soon as, or even before I start taking damage, and I usually have enough when I need to heal others.
  14. Tar

  15. Landaren

    nothing better then slaping a stick of c4 on a tank and watching it explode