C4 through shield exploit "bannable"?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Kryptik 617, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Kryptik 617

    So say you are in a bio lab and the enemy is camping their teleporter room, is it a "game breaking exploit" for me to throw c4 on the shield and kill them with the splash damage? I wont lie, I do it alot due to the fact that they are very much capable of shooting through it, so if I can use 1 of the items at my disposal to damage them that seems fair to me. I constantly hear people claiming that this is a bannable offence, but at this point I think its unclear on where SOE stands on the matter. I doubt a mod will see this, but I hope one does so he can give some insight into the subject. If it is something that they do not wish for people to do i will kindly stop.
  2. mmstick

    If something can be exploited, people shouldn't be banned. It isn't the player's fault; the game allows them to do it; all that should be done is for the developers to patch it.
  3. Beltway

    This has been discussed multiple times and the same conclusion keeps coming up.

    No this is not an exploit.
    No this is not a ban able offense.
    No this is not greifing.
    Yes reporting this will be ignored.

    Developers have already said they did not want the shield mechanic to allow HE tank rounds through the sheild. This issues was patched back in November. Other explosives where deemed "open to observation" because to actually place these explosives you put yourself in the line of fire. Meaning there is a great chance that you would get your head blown off while trying to place that explosive.

    It's a high risk tactic that can be rewarding or get you killed. Most people don't like it when they are one the receiving end but have no problems doing it when they are defending. That is currently how it's seen until dev decide to change their minds on it and in my personal opinion if they thought it was a really big deal they would have fixed it when they patched the HE tank rounds.
  4. Marked4Death

    Would be nice to get clarification, nicer still to get it fixed :)
    Personally, I think if your playing legit, and getting blast damage through the shields then it's just a lesson to the guys inside to stand back, and it's somewhat fair since they can shoot out, but you can't shoot in.
    You can get enough splash into a spawn room to blow the terminals however and that's a PITA. But they should move the terminals to fix that.
  5. shadowkhat

    i would have to say there is something else people are doing, i tried reproducing this so called exploit tonight just so i could put in a report on it... tank mines right on the shield and nothing only people that got killed were outside the shield. so there is something else people are doing thats causing the explosion to be larger than it should be. just 2 c4 or just 2 tank mines put as close as they can be on the shield isn't it... so i would say ban anyone using it unless they've specificly put in a /report explaining how to reproduce it so it can be fixed.
  6. Kryptik 617

    There is nothing else people are doing, you just cannot reproduce it correct, usually works best with people hanging half way out the shield (can try with friendly fire, dont believe the shield treats it any diff). There is no "bigger explosion" and I have never seen tank mines work, only c4 and frag. Also i wasnt asking for opinions, just hoping to get insight from a dev on the subject, but if they have deemed it fair game then prepare to grieve some more Waterson TR/VS. (They dont seem to catch on that all the NC are doing it)
  7. Deathcapt

    FYI, AT mines are amazing at this, They have a much larger splash and deal much more dmg than c-4.
  8. ShokkWave

    This is not correct. This has been reported before and the reply is they're working on a resolution. Also stated to report anyone who continually abuses the exploit. Open a ticket and see for yourself. Can't just use /report, that's for capturing text more than anything.
  9. shadowkhat

    post right below your response says tank mines are better than c4 at it... so i would say theres something else going on than just dropping a couple of mines or c4 and going boom... tried both c4 and tank mines just dropping them at the door does nothing so ban any MF'r doing it if theres a specific time you have to blow the c4/mines then it needs to be reported and fixed but using 20 mines trying over and over i was not able to reproduce it one single time that tells me that people using this are doing some thing extra and it is an exploit. no compasion ban hammer away
  10. ExarRazor

    i wanna clear up a little confusion here

    the following items all have explosions that go through a spawn shield
    frag grenades
    sticky grenades
    prox mines
    tank mines
    AV grenades
    conc grenades
    flash grenades
    jammer grenades

    basically, any explosive item that spawns an actual item in the game world will have thier explosion go through a shield
    this is an exploit, is reportable, and is bannable, assuming SoE ever gets around to reading the tickets regarding them

    the following USED to go through shields, but was patched not too long ago to remove the explosion going through shields
    prowler HEAT, HE, AP shells
    magrider HEAT, HE, AP rounds
    vanguard HEAT, HE, AP shells
    Dalton shells
    Zephyr shells
    bulldog shells
    fury shells
    halberd/enforcer rounds
    rocket launchers of all types

    note that some vehicles, notibly the magrider, can actually clip thier cannon THROUGH a shield and fire into the spawn room. that is a bug and is not intended. the above all used to have thier blast go through a shield if the roudn impacted on or enar the shield, but dont anymore. a tank or other vehicle clipping thier weapons through a shield to bombard the area beyond is an exploit, is reportable, and is bannable
  11. Beltway

    "This has been reported before and the reply is they're working on a resolution." So basically open to observations like I said, I've already done the report thing and have been brought up to speed. If they told you they are working on a solution then I can only guess is that more and more people are complaining about it so they are just going to patch it. Which in my opinion won't do too much simply because once you set foot out of the shield room you are still going to be blown to bits.
  12. italktowalls

    they didnt ban people when the tank shells through so why would they ban people for this? when a dev comes out on the forums and tells the players that it is an exploit then i will stop.
  13. ScorpDK

    Tankshells are free as long as you don't lose the tank; C4, Mines, etc come at an individual cost, which doesn't excuse their usage on shields, but still isn't as cheap as tanks and bomber shield spams.
  14. Xasapis

    You can exploit a bug and the company may choose to not take actions towards the exploiters for whatever reason. That doesn't make it any less an exploit.
    Also companies usually never discuss exploiting bugs until after they fix them, in which time they usually take disciplinary actions against the abusers. So waiting for the announcement while keep bug abusing puts you into a rather precarious position.

    It is VERY obvious that things are not working as intended to anyone other than the people who wish to keep abusing it. The only reason there hasn't been a huge uproar about it is because the usual explosives used on the shield have a rather small blast radius. Very few people are specced into sticky grenades, which when stuck on the middle of the shield kill pretty much EVERYONE inside the biolab "safe" rooms, no matter where you stand (well, there is a small chance you'll live if you're on the far corner of the other door).

    There must be some other way to place explosives around the walls as well, because it's rare, but again certain individuals clear "safe" biolab rooms with tank mines.

    My guess is that the announced changes in the spawn rooms will make this tactic obsolete, which is why they may not bother fixing infantry explosive blast enter the safe room.