C4 Explosion Theft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Cute-CandyPants

    i get this alot with proximity mines, people throw grenades which set off my mines which then kill the enemy,i dont get the exp for this or an assist :/
  2. Vindrel

    Rockets and C4?
    Feels good to be the king.
  3. Chiss

    2 C4 kills any tank.

    I'm not saying its a bug, i'm saying its unfair to the LA, and should be changed.
  4. psychobilly

  5. Cute-CandyPants

    ignore the trolls on the forums they arej ust trying to flame bait you to retaliate,

    you did the msot damage from the c4 so you should of gotten the kill
  6. hostilechild

    This is also why people yell hack when they get 1 shotted by a rocket :eek:

    Must of just been easier code to give the damage to the detonator instead of the owner. But typically with SOE, it will be "working as intended".
  7. Monnor

    It would be more usefully, you just open a ticket about exp bug, then open a thread which no dev ever read, or even know about.
  8. GraphicJ

    Lies, Vanu never take off their tight, purple spandex. This Rambo looks a like a TR RAMBO. We like to show off our pecks.
  9. Gary

    How is it unfair... C4, Land mines, Claymores, Bouncing Betties and any other deployable explosive can all be shot. Not only the light assault. Heavies get c4 along with combat medics. Infiltrators can get some explosive i think. Engineers can use some along with the light assault. Every class suffers this fate which is clearly there for balance/fun. Makes perfect sense to me.
  10. Gary

    You would be surprised how many of the threads are read ;)
  11. Pat22

    2 packs of C4 is overkill for a MBT. One pack brings it down to like 15%-20% HP, the other finishes it off. The Radius is also quite large/
  12. daskleineviech

    I'm a HA and this sounds a little whiney to me to be honest, it's not the HA's fault after all. Technically he scored the kill by attacking the tank, but how about the LA gets the kill and the HA get's a crit assist? If I'd shoot at a tank with full health and it would go boom because the nice LA dropped some C4, I wouldn't be mad if he gets the kill for it, if I get a nice assist bonus.
  13. Aghar30

    meh why do you really care mr c4 action hero, the tank is dead due to your hand, oh wait you want that little xp thing. Its a team game share the love and your team will do better in the long run.
  14. MykeMichail

    Nope. This is with 2 C4 planted on the back of the tank. If I had detonated myself, I would've got the kill.

    I planted the C4, turned around to run away, a rocket flew straight past me and blew up the tank. I got a critical kill assist, having never touched my LMB to detonate.
  15. Pat22

    That's exactly what we're suggesting in this thread. The LA spent 200 infantry resources for those C4, he then went through all the trouble of making his way to the tank and placing both C4 on it, he deserves the kill.
  16. japro

    I also get this quite often. It's extra hilarious if the unplanned C4 explosion also kills me and all I get is a "don't kill yourself" for shelling out 100 res and risking getting up close to the tank. I don't care that much who really gets the kill but I should at least get something (crit. assist).

    What happens actually if I drop a C4 into a group of enemies and one of them accidentally sets it off? Will he get tons of teamkills and his weapons locked? :D
  17. daskleineviech

    The problem with the "deserved kills" is that hardly anyone will always get what he deserves. My KDR is pretty bad, and I don't really care anyway, because I get a ton of assists. If I storm into the room, blast away two guys and hurt two others until they are at one HP and my medic buddy gets in and kills them, does he deserve the kills?
    In this case I'm all for some tweaking since the C4 costs recources and I'm actually glad if the LAs help out killing tanks. Give the kill to the LA, if it's 2 C4 and not one, and the HA receives the crit bonus and maybe 10 xp for detonating the explosives so the HAs won't come to cry about kill stealing.

    But come on, we talking about large scale battles where stuff blows up and people get killed all the time, and now we are talking about who gets the merit badge in a very specific situation? We're not in the girl scouts.
  18. Chiss

    I'm happy to share, not have it 100% stolen. I need upgrades too :(.
  19. SlingBlade

    Agreed, please give us a large amount of assist xp when our c4 does most of the damage even if someone else sets it off. I am fine with them getting the kill.
  20. hostilechild

    Well i do know if someone sets off my prox mine, i get the grief :oops: Have not seen this with c4, as i am usually doing a suicide drop/run.