C4 assist

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Leivve, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Leivve

    Does it bother anyone else when you risk your neck to place C4 on a tank only for someone else to shoot it (even if accidentally) and blow you up, along with the tank and not even a assist to compensate for your lost resources.

    Is there a reason SOE has it this way, or is it merely a overlooked mechanic? This applies to all explosives not just C4 though.
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  2. chrisbeebops

    If you drop C4 on a chokepoint, and then a friendly stands over it and shoots it, should it then count as a teamkill?

    If you drop proxy mines on a point your team is covering, then an enemy throws a grenade into the room detonating the mines and killing your teammates, should those count as teamkills?

    All explosives give damage credit to whatever or whoever triggered the detonation. C4 gives credit to whoever pushes the detonator switch or shoots it if it detonates prematurely. Mines give credits to whoever placed them if they are triggered, and otherwise whoever shoots it if it detonates prematurely.

    You have to take the good with the bad.
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  3. Leivve

    I would be OK with that, so long as they are assist not full team kills.

    And I'm sure with some effort SoE could easily make it best of both worlds,
  4. chrisbeebops

    So you are OK if you get weapons locked from team damage, as long as killing them doesn't show up in the killboard?

    How about the smart enemy that detonated your own explosive and killed you? Does he not get credit since it was your mine?
  5. Thrustin

    Last I saw you don't get a TK assist if you shoot a friendly and someone else finishs him off. And that's what he's asking for, just a simple XP assist once you placed an explosive. It's simple really.
  6. MajiinBuu

    This applies to mines too. I drop all my tank mines under a sunderer, and some heavy shoots the sunderer, killing it with MY tank mines. Other times I drop 2 C4 on a tank, somebody shoots it and they get the kills, I lose resources. Not even an assist.
  7. MajiinBuu

    We shouldn't have to take the bad with it. If an ally shoots your mines and kills teamates, you shouldn't get penalized, but if he shoots the mines and kills enemies, you and him should both get rewarded.
  8. Iridar51

    Pretty sure you're over exaggerating. I occasionally TK someone accidentally, but I've never was weapons locked.

    The topic is of certain concern, but I can see where SOE is coming from. It's almost a philosophical question: what kills the man? The bullet? Another man, who fired that bullet? A weapons manufacturer, who created the gun? A scientist, who designed the gun? Or just the misfortune of sharing bullet's space?
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  9. Frenk

    I don't care, as long as I'm not dead because of the explosion. Afterall, that's still a dead tank, and a dead tank can't kill my vanu comrades :)
  10. Leivve

    You do realize the dead tank had one of your Vanu 'comrades' inside of it, right?
  11. MavCooL

    Been on the both end actually

    There is a time when I saw my ally sneak up behind a tank to drop AT mines and as a good samaritan player I will try to shoot said mine myself, coz AT mines takes time to deploy right ?? :rolleyes:

    I don't really care even if im dead because of the explosion myself, what matters is the enemy tank / sundy is destroyed
    but the name of my ally who shows up on my screen, BEWARE. You better ran far and u better ran fast, coz in the next 30 min or so if I see ur name on my screen u can bet there will be bullets flying ur way :D
  12. Frenk

    You talked about a generic situation ^^