Buying good weapons help?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Unimight, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Unimight

    Hello, I just started playing Terran, and I want some good weapons.
    I have been thinking of buying TX2 Emperor and HSR-1, but I hear they aren't that good, so I was wondering if you could help me find some good weapons I could buy.
  2. exLupo

    HSR's good if you want to do a ton of stick-and-move mid range play as an infil. Emperor is ok but most prefer the stock burst pistol.

    Depends on what you want to do. If you're going infil, I'd also drop a few smedbux on the lowest priced bolt action sniper. They're all almost identical so it'll get you to headshotting on the cheap.

    All of the infil weapons enable different play styles. The only one I'd avoid is the automatic scout rifle as it and the SMG fill similar roles and I imagine the SMGs will do it better. The ASR will extend your range beyond that of the SMG but, I dunno, 20 in the magazine never seems to go far enough.

    Were I starting fresh, I'd get the cheap sniper and just play for a while. For 100 certs, I wouldn't even spend cash on it. Get a feel for what I wanted to do and then do it. There's no "omg, how OP is this?!?!" weapon. It's all about varying play styles, especially with the Infil's choices.
  3. Unimight

    I would like to be able to easily hack, and get some awesome oneshots with a sniper, I like the thought of one shotting fools.
  4. exLupo

    My two round eyeballs
    They are set within my skull
    Both are now rolling
  5. Plague Rat

    If you want one-shots you need a bolt action. RAMS .50m is probably the best you can get but the M77B is pretty cheap. There are all 6x scopes and higher for long range but if you're looking for a more close up one-shot you can use the TSAR-42 which is for close range and uses rail sights to 4x scopes, but you should probably only go that route if you're a really good aim.

    Also the Emperor is pretty good. Can't burst fire but it's higher damage gives it more versatility than the repeater. Basically you can kill someone at 10m without needing a whole clip.
  6. illgot

    NS weapons will become account wide when they change the cash shop.

    I would wait and see how the new NS pistol is before purchasing a new pistol. If the NS pistol is any good, it would be better to buy a weapon that is account wide versus a TR faction only weapon.

    Also a new weapon type will be released when the pistol comes out. The SMG will probably replace all current Infiltrator CQC weapon options. Wait for that weapon to be tested, but I already have SC cash earmarked for a couple of these no matter how they turn out.

    The only weapon I would purchase now is the Rams .50M sniper rifle available to TR., BOLT ACTION&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250

    The other rifles I am not too impressed with since they all require you to aim down the sight to use and have horrible recoil and weapon sway.
  7. Rhinzual

    Stock burst pistol what? I've looked on my Infiltrator and never saw a burst pistol as the stock option.
  8. altonyc

    Make a TR character. Enjoy your awesome pistol (for CQC). Why anyone would get the Emperor is beyond me.

    Still want a beamer-repeater for my VS; the Manticore is a mag-shot re-skin, so can I please get a Repeater re-skin?

    Anyway, I have the 100 cert sniper on my infiltrator, and I couldn't see myself seriously wanting a more expensive one. The cheap bolt-action still gets one-shots, and if you learn to aim right, the higher drop isn't really an issue.