Butt-hurt TKing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tatwi, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Tatwi

    The cool thing to do these days? Unsurprising, given the 4Chan nature of the tiny community that stuck with this game, but really? People do this now? I don't recall this from beta.

    So an enemy sundy rolled into the outpost that I was defending. Naturally as an HA, I followed it an put a rocket into it, reloaded and put another rocket into it and... it just so happened someone else on my side put a C4 pack on it while I was ducked behind cover reloading before my second shot so when my second shot landed on the sundy, amazingly the guy was still there by his C4 and he died when the sundy blew up.

    Had I been the one who planted the C4 I would have laughed my **** off, because it was the perfect storm of randomness. However, I guess the dude who planted the C4 lacks my sense of humor, because he and his friends TK'd me, because "I TK'd him" lol...

    Yeah, somehow dude standing too close to his own C4 when it exploded was my fault... lol...

    Butt-hurt TKing: it's funny and kind of sad.
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  2. EWarren

    The reverse happens often to me: enemy planting C4 on friendly vehicles - I end up killing both the C4er as well as the vehicle due to splash damage blowing up C4
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  3. Larolyn

    I've blown up numerous teammates and been blown up by numerous teammates while blowing up a sundy. Important thing is, sundy is dead. Doesn't matter if I die, doesn't matter if friendlies get caught in the blast radius. Important thing is, sundy is dead. Enemies stop spawning.

    People who care about dying are an odd sort when it comes to dealing with sundies. But, MLG K/D is important....
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  4. Stromberg

    TK is TK, intended or not. it is always very frustrating for the victim. you tk'ed a guy, his buddies tked you, that's fair enough and not ******** imho.
  5. Accuser

    C4ing an enemy vehicle is a suicide run. You shouldn't expect friendly tanks/heavies to stop shooting at that vehicle just because some Light Assault happens to be close to it.

    If you were on my server, I'd gladly make sure that he regretted his stupidity. People like that value their K/D much more than I value my time and K/D on an alt account... if you know what I mean.
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  6. KenDelta

    Yea ***** like that happens a lot , you know kids never learnt the saying "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" in ps2 it's "a kill for a kill makes the whole battle lost"

    Only time I actually bother TKing if when someone is afk inside a turret and there is actually a big fight going on , or blowup the 3 landmines planted our sundy to deny 1 sundy +20kills to a random enemy engineer.
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  7. Tatwi

    And by that logic, I should have then TK'd those two people who TK'd me, who then should have TK'd me again for TKing them, so I then should have TK'd them again, and so on, and so on, until the end of time... lol... not terribly productive.

    The best solution? Suck it up, buttercup. **** happens.
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  8. Stromberg

    no, but that logic you were even after being tked. if you tk the buddies, you are the one starting a new circle.
    you tked somebody, you got tked back. suck it up, buttercup.
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  9. Flashtirade

    I accidentally ran over a friendly with a Prowler when trying to escape an AV turret. I killed him 2 more times and told him to suck it up afterwards because he went heavy and fired rockets at my back.
  10. WycliffSlim

    My favorite is when you kill someone and they come onto their alt to try to TK you.
    Was in a Lib with a buddy and we wrecked a 2/3 NC lib. Came back to our WG, and on our way out 2 Scythes came flying out at us trying to bring us down. Spun around, tankbuster'd one and Dalton'd the other instantly, laughed and went on with our run.

    More on note with this, TK'ing happens. It's a large game with lots of explosives, and vehicles driving around. You're gonna get TK'd occasionally and you're gonna TK. Unless it just blatantly purposeful then I let it go. I will say that in small battles it annoys me when I'm placing C4 on a Sundy and a HA shoots it will a rocket and blows both of us up. Again, big battles when that Sundy just needs to come down and you don't have time to look around, that's fine, bring the thing down. But in a small battle when it should be very easy to see that I'm sitting on top of it dropping C4, at the very least let me get off before you shoot it.

    I do remember one time where I saw the HA looking at me with his rocket out, he waited until I placed 2 C4 and then shot instantly before I could detonate so that he could have the kill. I came back, stuck C4 on him when he wasn't watching and blew him up about a minute later right when he was about to start blowing up a tank. It felt so good that I did it again... then I felt better and went on with my day.
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  11. Tatwi

    The difference being, I was shooting a rocket at a legit target and accidentally TK'd a person when that person's own C4 blew up, while they were purposely hunting for me to TK me, because they were butt-hurt. Big difference lol...
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  12. EliteEskimo

    Oh you think that's bad? Try locking someone out of your MBT to make room for an outfit member then having that guy come C4 your tank. Just report him and move on, that's what I do.
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  13. Pat Cleburne

    I had an epic run in a prowler recently and after about an hour of straight ownage I got flanked by a magrider that nearly killed me. I sped off to let my nanjte repair save the day and accidentally ran over a cloaked sniper. Well he respawned and came up to my deployed prowler and tank mined it killing me and my Vulcan gunner as well as killing himself. All over an accident that happened in a major battle.

    Talk about childish
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  14. Pat Cleburne

    A sniper got the jump on me the other day and missed his shot at near point blank range. I spun around and instagibbed him with a headshot from the bull. I typed "boo" into yell chat for laughs and the guy logs onto his TR alt, tks m and then proceeds to send me tells calling me all kinds of names and threatening me that I don't know who I'm messing with.

    Dude probably has a kidnap victim tied up in his basement or something
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  15. EWarren

    I just had that happen today - was fighting some NCs at Howling Pass - an NC returned as TR and killed me and couple other TRs at the vehicle terminal; he raged about striker (I wasn't using one), OP Prowler (I was in one), and OP Vulcan (my gunner had one) before he was put down
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  16. Hoki

    They're almost always like BR 4 noobs that are taking a break from WoW.

    The BM that I run into usually is getting into sniper battles, MBT fights, and ESF fights.

    I never message anybody except to congratulate a great shot. But I've only ever had people message me to brag about winning one of these "duels". 24/7 flyboys are the worst offenders, holy **** they brag and taunt a lot. I guess its cause they can't t-bag your corpse in the air?
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  17. Zombekas

    In real war, friendly fire in most countries is punished by jail time, ehether it was intentional or not. In some countries they have a death penalty for it. In addition to this, the soldier who caused friendly fire gets removed from the battlefield immediately in most cases.

    Since there is no prison in PS2, some take the task of death penalty by their own. It only makes sense, if he didn't pay attention and killed a friendly once, what makes you think he won't do it again, and interfare with capturing this damned biolab?

    Seriously, when I use an infiltrator or light assault to clear out a room from behind and come out, if I get shot by a teammate, it' usually one guy who dealt all the damage, even though there are 10 friendlies camping that building exit. Obviously the 9 recognised a friendly, and one didn't. Now what makes you think the oblivious guy won't do it again, and potentially prevent the team from capturing a base? He has to be removed from battle, one way or another.

    I myself hardly ever teamkill anyone. If a friendly exits a building, I recognise a friendly and not shoot him, if a friendly is approaching my line of fire, I stop ahooting. It's not that difficult. And if I do teamkill anyone (mostly it's reversing with a vehicle after capturing a a base, I /tell the guy I'm sorry and this was an accident.

    I don't remember the last time I got revenge-tk'ed. Play smart and you won't have to be put down as well. Your example is an unusual one of course, but this doesn't happen in most situations.
  18. Orpheus66

    ran into my first real TK'er the other day during an alert. He was running around with the comminsher (i cant spell) and killing all the Engineers on their turrets and the medics trying to revive them.

    He was lvl1 with a f**ked up name like 11l110o0oo, he killed me 3 times and 2 medics so i just left. How many times can someone TK till they are kicked?
  19. Brainpan

    I had a anti-infantry turret in a hallway pointing out a doorway to mow down anyone who stuck his head around the corner and an infiltrator on my own team goes cloaked and steps in front of me. I end up slaughtering him before I can take my finger off the trigger and say I'm sorry. He comes back to life and knifes me in the back of the head after saying, "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

    He later gets a MAX suit and as a good engineer, I run along with him to repair and replenish his ammo. He turns to look at who is repairing him and jerks backwards as if he was expecting me to TK him for his earlier TK. I just put down another ammo pack and pull out my repair tool, waiting for him to breach the room as I repair him.

    I did not TK him on purpose, but if he feels he needed to TK me to make himself feel better, whatever. I'm here to kill the other factions, not hunt down this one guy who had a bad day.

    On another alt, I accidentally ran over someone from my own side. I was confused since my radar had his indicator following my tank and he suddenly flew ahead of me and I didn't even see him in front of me. Lag spike, maybe? But, at the next site, I see him running over to my tank, slap on C4- So I dive out of my tank as it explodes. His outfit has over 1000 people in it, why is he bent out of shape over an accident? I swear, some people are so hotheaded.
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  20. joe smo

    a few days ago some "friendly" HA blew up a mine I put in front of a door way, So I shot him one to get his attention as in "WTF" and of course as I was figuring out what to type to him he guns me down. Me being really ticked off at him caused me to hunt him down as soon as I was revived, Well that lead to me following him and right as I started my attack he walked right thru some one causing me to blow the wrong person away. As a certain someone yelled "WRONG PERSON!" :oops: opps, Again sorry!
    I went from being ticked off to being embarrassed at my own ignorance in an instant and deserved every second of it...