Burster nerf - Reducing accuracy was a wrong choise

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gheeta, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Gheeta

    So GU11 is now here and bursters got their accuracy reduced by a lot. It was done to limit the effective range of the burster which was a needed change. Sadly this was not thought trough at all. Playing with the weapon(s) is utterly boring now, the way you aim and lead the target means pretty much nothing now.

    Much better way of accomplishing the same effect would have been to reduce the proximity detonation range or remove it completely. Why would it be better this way? Well think about it, long range effectiveness gets reduced, aiming still matters maybe even more than before and player skill is rewarded.
    • Up x 1
  2. Pandastratton

    you must cry more....
  3. illgot

    It levels the playing field making the skyguard more valuable.
  4. Arquin

    OP has a point tho, thinking about it, reducing the accuracy a bit less than now and also adding a requirement to be hitting closer to the aircraft to have a flak burst might have been better