[BUG] Burster MAX Flak Error

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by quicKsanD, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. quicKsanD

    Multiple times now our outfit has tried to set up an effective Anti-Air defense at high altitude bases. We prefer to have 4+ Burster MAXes with engineers supporting them. On several occasion we have had all the MAXes on 1 air pad firing at oncoming aircraft. Their flak either stops registering the hits so you don't get a hit marker and do no damage or you get a hit marker and still do no damage. We really don't have the problem with 2 or less Burster MAXes but as you know it take 3 or 4 to be really effective. So effective apparently the game break. These localized issue have also been followed by crashes for the area we are in.

    Please fix this issue/bug and allow us the ability to use AA properly. Even with the AA buff there are still numerous Liberators and ESF spamming and we would like our AA to actually work when we are mounting a defense.
  2. aR2k

    It takes about 2 good dual flak maxes to bring down a fighter that does one fly by, assuming he does not have ecover he can immediately get to.
    To help you out, reasons for not registering hits.
    Flak has been changed, i believe it does more damage but flaks travel slower, which means more lead now than before.
    Out for range? Flaks have a max range, and especially liberators can get high enough that flaks wont do damage.
    The invincible bug? Dont know what is causing this, if its a server sided software bug, latency issue or latency hacking, but occasionally hits wont register, same happens to inf, you can be straight behind someone and empty your mag into him, only to have the bullets go straight through. This can happen to anyone (even experienced it once where both me and my target had it, we emptied 2 clips from point blank, looked at eachother funny and walked away. This can also happen to airplanes.

    Registering hits but no damage:
    Could it be few hits and a fully certed plane with armor? meaning less damage than normal.
    Same as the invincible bug, sometimes hits may register on vehicles but no damage is dealt, ive had this happen to a reaver i was shooting my with scythe. I thought it was a hack first, but i met him on my next respawn and could deal damage to him just fine.
    It could ofcourse allso be a cheat of some sorts.
  3. Ghostick

    I've had that bug. Usually, as you say, in high density of burster fire. Hits will stop registering and then start again as there is a lull in the fire from other MAXes. I've heard hit detection is client-side so I'm unsure why this bug exists, unless the target itself is registering too many hits at the same time and doesn't compute them all (or perhaps the target is already dead due to the large amount of incoming fire?) Either way frustrating.
  4. quicKsanD

    I really don't think it is a matter of cheating, range, speed, or more resistant planes. I assure you the ESF's were heading right for us and took no damage and they spammed us and veered off right before they crashed. It is a game glitch or error that causes us to do no damage. It is quite annoying especially when these aircraft get so close and basically do a fly over of the base. I know there are a lot of issues on the table but this is another bug that should be addressed.
  5. powerz

    I believe this is a hit detection limitation of the engine......i doubt it can ever be fixed.
  6. Banick

    There does seem to be a bug since the patch changes in distance. I used to be capable of hitting an aircraft from max render, whether moving or stationary.

    After a week or so, I still can't work out what is going on with the rego even dialing in my changes to leading and so forth. I can only predict that there has been a distance cap put on the rounds. Because once they get within a certain range, then I start getting good rego.