[Suggestion] Burster AA weapons effectiveness

Discussion in 'MAX' started by DerUnf4ssbare, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. DerUnf4ssbare

    I've been playing AA MAX for quite a while now and I think it could use two light improvements to be more useful.
    A light increase of rate of fire and a moderate increase of projectile speed.
    The raw base damage output itself is enough, it would become OP if it had more, but the two things I mentioned would help a lot.
    Whenever I fight ESF, I encounter two challenges:
    Either they dodge roll and turn like mad and its almost impossible to hit anything because no matter how good I lead the shots, outside a distance of estimated (I could be wrong here) 100m they are simply gone before the bullets arrive, and even airburst splash does not compensate for much.
    Or they are those (imo) arrogant groundrocket guys who know exactly MAXes cant move fast and they simply approach you and spam you to death before you can apply enough dps to kill them.
    Thats where the increased rof = more dps is needed.
    Even with double clip and flak armor 5 I get wasted although I hit every shot at that short distance.
    I am aware that an AA MAX is intended to deter ESF, instead of being a fly swatting machine of doom; but come on, they should at least have to think twice before they take us on CQB, instead of having a damn good chance of winning with rocklet spam.

    Higher projectile speed to counter ESF waving left and right and actually hit fast targets,
    Higher rate to fire to apply more dps to "close quarters" rocketpod spamming ESF.
    • Up x 1
  2. Quiiliitiila

    Agreed, on both points.

    However, MAX units are hated on by everyone. Infantry, armor and air... It doesn't matter. MAX units are the ones "ruining" the game and thusly have been nerfed pretty much to the ground. I highly doubt we'll ever see any buffs coming our way ever again, especially considering the hate and obvious lack of development on DB's part. It seems to be NS cash grabs from here on out... :(
  3. TechPriestess

    The only thing I have to offer up is that you're probably doing the wrong faction - Lockdown actually has its weird niche here and does pretty much what you suggested.

    Outside of that, I wouldn't look too hopefully for a buff anytime in the near future, since the only people that like MAX are MAX users themselves. Everyone else sees them as cheap, skillless infantry units (to a further degree than even HA) - so it'll probably only get worse from here. :(
  4. Nagant

    I haven't played PS for a time, but now I feel burster is nerfed a significant bit. I can hardly solo an ESF with dual bursters, they don't even seem to flame after a full salvo (with 90+% hitting the target). Unless there is another burster around, you won't get the kill. It used to be more than a deterrance...
  5. Dakkaface

    I know right? I'm just stepping back on after being gone for over a year, and Bursters feel weaker and less accurate than I remember.
  6. Krinsee

    Get used to your Punch... It hurts a bit more than your knife and even landing a few hits as they close will make them a one shot kill.

    As to Aircraft, if it's close and your running dual AA and extended Mags (I know 2000 certs if mags are still 500 each) you will kill them fairly often. Also if they turn and burn before they attack your group, Job done... Also be where they DON'T expect you to be and catch them off guard or exiting/fleeing from other AA.

    Also staggering your starting to fire from both at once to waiting about halfway between your first guns shots makes the aircraft think they are taking twice as much flak than they are and panic much more and make more flaws. You may want to change your suit over to having extra ammo clips so you have more time out on the field before having to rearm.

    Also if a target is at range fire about 5-6 shots wait a half second and then restart to tighten up your CoF bloom.
  7. Daigons

    I've only been playing a MAX for a month now, but I think the Burster seems to be balanced. It all really depends on the situation and the experience of the enemy pilot.I have no problem at all killing new pilots before they figure out that it's probably a good idea to move away from the fight. Experienced ESF & Lib pilots can be a pain and the best that you can do is shoo them away from the fight. If it's a long fight, yo ucan figure out where they're landing to repair and you can move your Burster or Skyguard to welcome them with a hail of flak when they come in wounded to lick their wounds.