Bunker/HardSpawn PTS feedback 2/24 patch.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Jeslis, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Jeslis

    General comments:

    - 'Bunkers' need more than 1 exit, These are FAR too easy to camp with a long range HE tank or air to ground splash spam.

    - In my personal opinion, I am ALL for adding the extra point to bases and allowing vehicles to have a point to fight over. However, I would argue that it should be weighted the SAME or HIGHER/MORE than other points.. as it brings more gameplay to the base via vehicle interaction with OTHER vehicles, instead of vehicle interaction with infantry. To compensate if this causes bases/battles to end too quickly, can increase capture times for bases with bunkers.

    - Capture 'area' - how close a vehicle needs to be to effect the capture point, seems to need about doubling (2x).. Feels WAY to narrow.. Keep in mind Devs, vehicles would like to gain/contribute 'Point guard xp' ticks that occur every 20 seconds as well, without having to create vanguard sandwiches stacked 5 high.


    - bunker faces north - making it useless for any attack from the south (Hvar down to quartz) This bunker should take the place of the East side sunderer garage, and have a blast shield to protect it from shelling from further east.

    Indar Ex

    - This bunker is wayyyy to far from the tower, There is very little infantry cover from the tower from this bunker to the B/C points, making this suicide. Adding more exits from this bunker.. say, into the buildings near B.. with some sort of underground infantry fighting area between the 'spawn shield' and the 'above ground exit' might be interesting.

    - Bunker is useless from Cora-med attack lane. Not entirely sure how to fix this. One option would be multiple bunkers in a base (converting indar ex into a 5 point base), with 2 that vehicles fight over. Considering how much indar ex area is used by vehicles, this could actually be VERY fun.

    Howling Pass

    - Another bunker that needs more exits. The 2 ramps are way too far (and exposed for infantry running side to side). Consider adding a rock wall placed 25-50m out from this, much like how the West side of Coramed has a rock wall that sundies can be placed behind (both to protect them from Coramed infantry if placed on the West side, and protect from vehicles by placing it on the east side, between the rock and buildings.)

    Mao Southeast

    - Perfect bunker. Perfect tunnels (please fix 1 way exit tho). Change NOTHING (other than the vehicle capture area being bigger.)

    - Only concern might be HE shelling on far NorthEast Tunnel exit from upper Main Mao ridgeline.