Bugs I have experienced since Patch.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Fluffer, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Fluffer

    Ha.. I was hoping it wouldn't be so when I went on forums while downloading patch. But it is.

    1. The biggest issue, I get like 5FPS. My specs are in my sig, and I shouldn't be getting ******* 5FPS.
    2. My magrider doesn't fire rounds, nor my lightning HE, nor my skygaurd. WTF? My whole outfit is wtf'ing about this.
    3. If I go out and get 15FPS, if I am lucky, everybody jumps around the ******* map. Even on the minimap. Can't shoot or see people when one second they are right in front of you and the next who knows where.
    4. The rest of them are minor... Vanu Pistol has no sound.
    5. :D YAY SCYTHE DOESN"T FIRE REAL ROUNDS. But the other ESF do...

    Sorry If I sound negative, I stayed up 4 hours past I should be to see this magical patch, and while I do like the new scythe's maneuverability, GUI layout, the game ******* sucks now.
  2. SidVishu

    Everything worked well before this last patch. A lot of the vehicle weapons don't seem to function and I have noticed that tower cannons also "fire" without issuing forth a projectile.... Gonna need a lot of hotfixes or just revert back to previous version till yall fix this one.
  3. Camycamera

    hm, strange, i haven't been having FPS issues at all. but everything else is ******, we need a fix NAOW