[BUG] Since 2.2.2013 Hotfix NO TANK SHELLS!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SkepticJerry, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. SkepticJerry

    There are NO projectiles from the tank guns on Matherson. They do not do damage.
  2. Otulien

    Every server, Everywhere, Every faction. Except for Vanu.

    Hotfix turned out to be a huge failure. This however could have been learned from the already exisitng 4 dozen threads.

    Read before you post, S.V.P.
  3. Jac70

    I see our systems virus worked as intended - more enemy tears for our fusion generators rofl
  4. Wobberjockey

    it also affects all stationary turrets.

    honestly, i hate this crap
    you can't even SEE the missiles that hit you half the time in air/armor, and now we have only 1 working tank across all 3 empires?

    i just want the game FIXED
  5. Otulien

    On the bright side, That one tank is the one in your faction :)

    I expect SOE will get this problem fixed early tommorow. Since they've already done enough damage today, lets hope that third times a charm, yeah?
  6. SkepticJerry

    I'm not holding my breath, or playing, until this is fixed.