bug report submitted for scoping. Please upvote.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Mustarde, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Eh...I'd like to think that the loudest amongst us will smack those who flock towards the lack of actual issues once our class has been fully fleshed out and provides what we're looking for. Honestly, we spend more time trying to fight for what we have and work out the issues amongst those things than we do suggesting new features to incorporate.

    We fight just to exist in this game.


    I thought maximum render distance was 300m?

    I'm alright with that though, it gives them the opportunity to incorporate faction flavored bolt-action sniper rifles with a OHK range of 350m. Then, later on, they can add a NS bolt-action rifle with an effective range of 400m!

    Ah, wishful thinking...
  2. Erendil

    Infantry render distance is 300m. I think the game treats an Engie attached to a MANA turret as something different though so they render farther out - 500m I think. Just like MAXes IIRC.

    As for the weird scope-transition sensitivity, yeah it feels like a bug. If it was designed to stop quickscoping it failed miserably though. It took me all of about 10 mins in VR to adjust to the change. But then, I don't have quite the ingrained muscle memory of the more dedicate snipers so it would be easier for me to adapt.

    Regardless, I don't think it was an intentional change.
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  3. Inex

    I envy your youthful optimism. I've found however that the loudest voice and the most reasonable voice very rarely overlap.

    No, you don't. You may fight to fix your pet project of the week. And that may or may not be an important issue for inter-class balance. But don't kid yourself, SOE could remove the BASRs entirely and stick the 12x scopes on slingshots; the hills would still sing with the sound of Infiltrator cloak.
  4. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I truly wish I was still young...

    Thankfully, anti-aging goes into human trials soon...and while Kaku predicted immortality in 40 years, it appears we might be getting it much sooner.

    • More actual infiltration oriented content.
    • The removal of the nanoweave issue.
    • The balance of cloaking on all graphical settings.
    This is what the Infiltrator community has advocated for since launch. We're not a very fleshed out class, and they seem to be removing our infiltration options rather than providing more.What I meant by fighting to exist wasn't a proclamation that we're disappearing...but, rather, that our roles are. Terminals have been removed and now they flash while being hacked...when our entire hacking system was extremely lackluster to begin with.

    Normally, Infiltrators are discussing aspects that might flesh our class out as a whole. You might come across something completely off track, like grappling hooks which would tread upon the Light Assault's ability, but these concepts don't often get much attention by the greater whole. We're just trying to get a fully fleshed out versatile class...which we have been lacking since launch. The fact remains that we are the class with the least amount of options...especially when it comes to our actual namesake.

    This is all something that I've detailed within my signature thread "The Infiltrator."
  5. sladuog

    An undocumented change should be either addressed and documented or reverted.
  6. Vaphell

    why is that idea off track? nothing says infiltration better than entering via the main gate because climbing is too hard. Grappling hook would be perfectly fine if it was a consumable with drawbacks like slow speed, while LA can still spam flying to his heart's content. Besides, by that logic we shouldn't have restokits and medkits because they tread upon medic's ability.
  7. Tenebrae Aeterna

    That's actually an extremely good point regarding Medics and everyone's ability to use restokits/medkits. I suppose that the reason I'm not so hateful towards this particular feature would be due to the sheer volume of incompetent combat medics I've come across...especially while running a MAX...who just run right on by me after I've been killed never to return. So, I suppose my bias towards inadequate combat medics are what brought about this apathy towards their own core ability to the point where I hadn't even thought about it. With that said...actually taking this into account has had me thinking of a potential revamp involving the restokits and medkits, but that's another beast entirely.

    I have never been in favor of spreading out a class mechanic by providing a watered down variation to another class...it's lazy and kind of an insult to the class itself because it lessens their role by providing it to another class. Granted, the two classes have drastically different capabilities with weapons and optional features such as C4 and the like...but still.

    I much rather have the ability to automatically bypass shields that would otherwise restrict infantry if we fully certify into Advanced Hacking. As it stands, the advanced hacking tier is practically worthless and growing increasingly so as they strip us of what little espionage capabilities we have...but this would be something that actually makes the cert line worth it. Then, the Light Assault and Infiltrator compliment one another in bypassing enemy defenses without treading upon one another directly. Basically, "You take the high road, I'll take the low road." We can get into places that they can't...they can get into places we can't, and I kind of like that...even if they can achieve sniper locations I drool over.

    Besides, our friendly neighborhood Beaver has shown us that we already essentially have this capability by climbing countless areas that most believed unreachable to any who lacked a jetpack. I also assume that the eventual implementation of the implant system will make this easier by incorporating some sort of advanced jumping implant that's just intended to get up steep slopes quicker...but our Cute little Beaver will ultimately use this as a means to climb a completely vertical surface or some other feat of fancy that makes Spiderman blush.

    Think of it this way...

    How would you feel if another class obtained the ability to stealth while remaining stationary?

    (Lets assume for the sake of argument that stealth actually worked on all graphical settings.)

    I don't know about you, but my jimmies would be rustled quite thoroughly. Cloaking is our thing, as dysfunctional as it might be...that's ours and I wouldn't want any other class obtaining even a watered down variant of our occasionally functioning stealth mechanic. :p

    This is why I'd much rather have the ability to bypass anti-infantry shields upon having fully certified into the advanced hacking line. This gives us a huge aspect of espionage that could cause absolute chaos behind enemy lines. Ultimately, it might require some general changes to base systems to properly implement without being too overpowered...but I think it would be a far more lucrative possibility for our class...and equally important...different.
  8. Inex

    Compared to what? Don't try telling me that the Medic has a broader set of gameplay options than you do. The LA can match you for the ability to get places you shouldn't be, and the HA has a weapon selection to rival yours, but nobody else comes close to having the variety of engagement options Infiltrators do.

    A quick search of the forum gives:
    BigIronRanger's CQC Bolt Action gameplay.
    DarkElfDruid's anti-vehicle kamikaze gameplay.
    Mustarde's rafter-ghost gameplay.
    Frightful Cookie's aggressive Auto-Scout gameplay.
    Elusive1 just wandering out into a field and wrecking people.
    Flash Fury montages.
    Terabytes of Youtubers humping hills.

    Infiltrators have a wealth of options on how to build their loadout. There are undoubtedly some nice toys you'd love to have, I'm sure. But don't pretend that people get into a MAX suit because it presents so many opportunities for unique gameplay.
  9. Tenebrae Aeterna


    Lots of sniping, some SMG play, one case vehicle synergy, and the ability to pull off something nifty at the cost of switching to an entirely different class and then spending a good chunk of resources for the C4 and Flash itself. I suppose I'm little bias due to abundance of options that the Engineer has in particular. I tend to group things into playing styles.

    With the Engineer, you can:

    Be primarily support oriented with supplying ammunition, repairing vehicles, turrets, terminals, and MAX units. Basically, just going around being your namesake...not that this is terribly exciting unless you're blending it with other options. Still, it's a very solid facet of the entire class and one that I used in order to actually get my SMG for the Infiltrator.

    You can be an assault oriented Engineer who specializes in killing via turrets or explosives, gearing yourself out against enemy Infantry or Vehicles. Personally, this is the style that I didn't really delve into all that much, but it seems to be quite a lucrative one for those always hopping onto the turrets and individuals seething about their distance/hit detection.

    The last facet of this class is something that could be argued, but I attribute it to the Engineer nevertheless. Most who run with vehicles and aircraft, excluding the flash, are an Engineer and make great use of their repair capabilities even if they don't consider themselves to be an Engineer while within the vehicles themselves. Fact remains that they are still playing an Engineer and it's directly increasing the effectiveness of their vehicle play.

    Now, that's three different playing styles to choose from and hybridize with. So, I guess what would have been more prudent for me to say is that I do not feel like the Infiltrator is a fully fleshed out class yet. We essentially have two primary playing styles that can be blended together if you choose the closer ranged sniper rifles...sniping and harassment. Either you're a sniper or you're running around with the SMG, and that's really about it. What I would like to see is the following:

    Sniping - Harassment - Espionage

    As it stands, hacking and pretty much everything that makes up our namesake is lackluster. Our cloaking mechanic remains flawed because they're relying on a visual indication that they still can't balance between the graphics settings. As it is right now, we are overpowered against those using low graphics settings and pretty ineffective against anyone using medium to high settings in regards to our cloaking system. Someone posted a video demonstrating just how easy it was to spot Infiltrators while cloaked...and I've seen it mentioned elsewhere.

    Our hacking has never been interesting nor has it every been implemented in a way that really benefits most Infiltrators. Instead, if the terminals and turrets haven't already been destroyed...it only really takes one or two Infiltrators to hack an entire base, leaving the rest with nothing much to do but kill. Furthermore, now they have weakened hacking further by removing some terminals and starting this flicker of terminals that are being hacked.

    Sniping is great right now, with the exception of the problem addressed in this thread. We can now effectively snipe from any range without the hard counter of nanoweave making the entire system lackluster. Aggressive Sniping is that area of blending between long ranged sniping and harassment oriented SMG play and works out very well for those who do it by rewarding an abundance of promising targets. Long ranged sniping appears to be getting a Recon Drone that should help solidify this playing system and make it more beneficial to our respective factions...so sniping and harassment are pretty good. Maybe they could use a slight tweak or two, but essentially these two playing styles are solid.

    The only thing I really feel that we desperately need is that third option, the espionage that's rapidly fading from the class and makes up our entire namesake. Sure, we can get behind enemy lines...but the reason to do so is becoming significantly less important with each and every update. I don't see this as asking for much...I just see it as fleshing out the entire class and making us feel solidified, completed.

    This is the reason behind my Infiltrator thread and what I have sought since launch.

    I believe every infantry class should have at least three core playing styles that they can mix and match as they see fit, and while I realize that not everyone does...well...like I said, perhaps it would have been more prudent of me to simply say that I don't believe that we feel complete as a class.

    As for the MAX suit, it actually does have three core gameplay types.

    Anti-Infantry, Anti-Vehicle, and Anti-Air

    Each one is heavily geared towards that role. I run duel Comets with my Charge Max because it makes me feel like an armored sniper. :D

    Either way, that's all I'm saying here...

    Our actual namesake has never been implemented into the game, and that's what we have been waiting for. Instead, we've been fighting to even keep what we have.
  10. Inex

    Definitely more accurate anyway. :)

    Recognizing the Infiltrator is actually in a good spot, the things you want are ways to expand or improve the class, and not somehow the very thing you need to become competitive with the other infantry classes is the first step to avoiding that toxic thinking of crusading for First Auraxis Problems. (I leave it to you to come up with the jokes about Infiltrator FAPs)
  11. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Yeah, pretty much what I'm trying to say.

    When this scope sensitivity issue is fixed, sniping in every facet will be great...and our more harassment oriented SMG gameplay is solid atop of that. I just want to expand into that third tier I speak of and present a more solidified and complete feel to the class, that's pretty much what I was getting at.
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  12. Phos!

    If they want to get rid of quickscoping they need to make it such that the CoF isn't reduced until the animation completes.
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  13. Mustarde

    I've tried to adapt but I just can't - this patch has ruined the long range bolt actions for me. I cannot fight against competitive players at close and mid ranges with a sniper rifle if I keep missing snap shots in critical moments. The close range variants have the same problem but to a lesser degree and seem to handle better, though I've never liked the optics or the fact that I cannot see the crosshairs while cloaked.

    I've become bound to my SMG and scout rifle (loving the SOAS-20 lately), and have also been playing other classes *gasp* as I wait out this holiday break. Some of you seem to be doing alright... sadly I am not. I sincerely hope SOE takes another look at what they did to scoping in PU02
  14. Get2dachoppa

    Yeah, I saw you in a Prowler today waaaaay off in the distance. How the mighty have fallen. :p
  15. AnuErebus

    I'm right there with you. My outfit does a lot of building holds and where before I was a great counterpart to a Scat MAX, (giving them support for targets outside a shotgun's killzone) I just feel useless now. I can't line up those shots reliably enough to justify potentially blocking the firing lane of someone else if I'm not making myself useful. I'm there for darts and that's it, my role as someone to help equalize range issues is more or less gone. I've tried fully embracing the SAS-R but like you I just don't like those optics, to me they seem imprecise and shots I should land somehow miss a person entirely. Performing the same role with a scout rifle or SMG just doesn't work, the next closest thing to my bolt-actions is a Decimator and for that I need to make sure there's another infil to keep darts up. Where before I was 70-80% infil I'm now closer to 50% and most of that is simply because I have infil weapons which aren't yet auraxiumed. If I'm going for kills right now I'm either running heavy or in my lightning/MAX.

    I know I'm probably being a wee bit dramatic about this whole ordeal, (It's such a small change after all) but it does really feel like a significant piece of the game has been lost for me. It's still fun and I won't be leaving planetside anytime soon but it's just not what it could be right now.

    Thankfully I'm on vacation for the next couple weeks. Hopefully by the time I get back this is fixed or a fix for it is right around the corner.
  16. Lonny198

    "I've tried fully embracing the SAS-R but like you I just don't like those optics, to me they seem imprecise and shots I should land somehow miss a person entirely. "

    The problem with the SAS-R/TSAR/Ghost lies within the muzzle velocity. 500 m/s just doesn't cut it is you're used to 600 (LA80/SR7/V10) or 650 m/s (RAMS/Longshot/Parallax).
    With such a slow travel time you have to lead opponents within 50meters by a good margin :(
    Even if you target is strafing while ADSing you have to lead. Otherwise you'll miss the shot.