[Bug?] Question about lagging.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dektarey, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Dektarey

    Hello guys,
    i know its late, but iam wondering if there´s any possible way getting banned for "lagging".
    Iam not sure if i should post this in the [Bug-Section] because this is only a question about my problem, not a question for a solution (But feel free for helping out! ^^).

    I've got laggs. No FPS or connection-laggs, just CPU-Laggs. I think.
    Planetside is running on ~75 FPS, my latency is always around 60-100 on the Miller server.
    32GB ram should be enaugh for the game...
    ---- After playing a while, 50-70 minutes, every player in sight is beginning teleporting. (Like the bug hundred other people got, and never get any solution for). It only happens if a large battle in any larger station is going on.
    Mostly reconnecting fixes the problem for around 40 minutes.

    What happened:
    Today (~01:00 - ~01:30) i was playing as NC heavy in a larger battle against NC, TR and VR. I've mentioned that iam about beginning lagging, with a latency of ~70. I've startet running around [A] and shoting at everything that wasn't teleporting around. Needed around 70 rounds for one enemy, because most of my bullets didn't even hit. But after 5 minutes i got a killingspree (Not that much 7 or 8 kills. Quiet a big amount for me...).
    After this i mentioned that it could be abusing and stoped immediately --- Its no fun and not really fair for the enemy. Some persons wrote "Fu***ng hacker, report him!" & .co. At this point i'll mention that this was a short while after i stoped.

    The question:
    Is it possible getting banned because of this? I'm working at finding a solution for this "Thing".
    On the other hand, i mean: If the support works good, they should mention, iam not hacking or anything like that.
    A fast response would be lovely.

    --- Iam not using any Hard- /Software for manipulating the game!
    Before opening this thread i read through the forums and read something about lagg-switching. Iam not using those programms.

    - Cheerz, Dektarey.
  2. NoVemBer1978

    Get the same problem.

    I have some lag and i teleporting myself and see others teleporting too after 20-30 mins in game... Get 40-80 Latency maximum.. In game.
    I have playing on miller- briggs-emerald it's always the same problem...