Bug? Pump action shotgun kills in one body shot.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AmazingBob, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. AmazingBob

    This has to be a bug and some people are abusing it. Example: In a span of one our, a certain VS player dropped on the Crown about 6 times, killed 6-8 people inside the tower building each time by one-shotting them until somebody actually managed to take him down or he run into an infantry mine. I hope this gets addressed soon.
  2. GamerOS

    Every shotgun shoots a certain ammount of pellets, all pellets of all shotguns do a damage of 143.
    All magzine fed shotguns fire 6 pellets per shot doing a total of 858 damage max, requiring two shots at all times
    The Pump action shotguns fire 10 pellets per shot doing a total of 1430 damage, killing anyone in one shot (except heavies whit shields)

    This is working as intended.

    Don't blame the gun, blame the average TTK on anything being between 1s and instantly.
  3. Vertabrae

    The new pumps do more damage than the old shotguns. So no bug, that's how it is supposed to be. OHK body shot.
  4. Hael

    OHKO body shot in exchange for being dead if they miss and useless at medium and long ranges. Working as intended.
  5. Pikachu

    It's the whole point of the pumpy shotguns.
    • Up x 1
  6. AmazingBob

    This just can't be true, otherwise it sounds like a terrible choice in weapon/gun-play balancing. What would keep people from just camping indoors?
  7. Hael

    Not every base can be captured by just camping in a building somewhere?
  8. Cl1mh4224rd

    Death. How many people do you think the pump-actions can kill at the same time?
  9. Frosty The Pyro

    a second person walking through the door, a max, an explosive of any kind, any aditional entrance, any of the other one shot kills (sniper headshot, semi-shotgun headshot, underbarel shotgun, rocket, etc) , just about any gun in the game and a better reaction time, specialist grenades (smoke, conc, flash, underbarel smoke, emp+ 500 damage attack)
  10. AmazingBob

    I guess running into more than one person at a time would stop the pump shotgun user, that might stand true for most guns though. Still, in 1vs1 close quarters fight it seems to be a definite win gun. Or are there some guns which might give the opposing side a chance of winning the encounter?

    Edit: I guess the person above answered the question.
  11. Robes

    I c wut u did thar

    (quit crying little girl)
  12. SgtBreastroker

    >OHK to Body
    >Thinks it is a bug

    I giggled.
  13. Zynex

    That's just the way pump shotguns are, and rightfully so. With their lower ROF, if they didn't OHK they would be pointless.
  14. AmazingBob

  15. AmazingBob

    Well yeah, until now I've only been acquainted with the semi-auto shotguns.
  16. MadRon101

    Love the new shotty. Hot drop onto the crown when we are attacking, run into one of the buildings, head straight for the corner next to the door, three guys follow me in as a group, bang bang bang, all dead, then four guys after that, again, four shots, four dead dudes.

    Please don't change it.