[BUG] Multi Defector Bugs post patch

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by VV4LL3, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. VV4LL3

    [BUG] The new Defector Primary Weapons are only available in VR Training, and not the Test Server World Maps



    SERAPH SHIELD (4): Creates a protective bubble around the Defector that blocks incoming projectiles using the Defector’s health pool. While active, Defector’s armor is increased by 60% and movement speed decreased by 40%. Lasts up to 12 seconds. 45 second cooldown.

    [BUG] While shield active, your OWN grenades occasionally collide.

    TIME BOMB (5): Activate to override the Defector’s cooling system regulators turning it into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 40% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.

    [NOTE(-)/BUG?] If being revived after a time bomb is activated, successful detonation, it takes 2minutes 15seconds for the timebomb ability to reset completely. If the bomb was unsuccessful, the time remaining is paused and has an equal, proportionate slow/extended time to return to use again, as if the timer were 2m15s.
    Recommendation. This may be implemented as part of a control system to prevent suicide/detonation abuse, however, for the player poses a great dissatisfaction. A more reasonable cooldown would be 45 seconds, on part with other abilities, and represents the average time for a player to spawn and return to battle. Please use this standard (45sec) for unsuccessful detonations as well. Either way, please update tooltip to reflect a proper cooldown/reset period.

    [BUG] The Time Bomb Audio sequence of the bomb charging up continues even after death. This would give players the wrong impression that the bomb has NOT been neutralized.

    [NOTE(-)] The description is clipped in the EDIT ABILITY EQUIPMENT view. Recommend moving text up to see entire description for the user. Currently a user must “mouse over” the text or item to view the remaining description.

    D11 Detonator: The Detonator manufactures a long-range artillery shell whose explosive anti-vehicle payload increases in power the further it travels, dealing maximum damage beyond 100 meters. This weapon has an arming distance of 20 meters.
    DAMAGE: 250 Dmg?

    [BUG] This weapon is advertised as dealing more damage distance, yet the projectile disappears after 5 seconds of flight time. Please allow the projectile to complete a full ballistic trajectory to achieve maximum damage and reflect how actual mortars function/behave. (They do not become inert mid flight)

    [BUG] Update damage profile graph in the weapon mouse over to reflect the proper damages. 0-20 meters, minimal damage. 20-100 meters ??? damage, and 100m+ ???? damage.

    [BUG] This weapon is not affected by the Detonation No-Heat bonus until it has reset the heat meter.

    [BUG] Cannot access melee weapon.

    D7 Hummingbird: The “Hummingbird” is a modified grenade printer that fires explosive smart-drones effective against enemy aircraft. The visor will lock onto enemy vehicles within range, and throwing a drone will place it on an intercept course with the target. Drones may also be dumb fired without a lock-on.

    [BUG] The Weapon Stat page needs to reflect the fire modes as both lock-on and dumbfire.

    [BUG] This weapon is not affected by the Detonation No-Heat bonus until it has reset the heat meter.

    [BUG] Cannot access melee weapon.

    Grenade Printer: Wrist-mounted nano-printers replenish explosives periodically, and require cooldown when overheated.

    [BUG] This weapon is not affected by the Detonation No-Heat bonus until it has reset the heat meter.
  2. VV4LL3

    6 months later. still issues.