[BUG] Defector TIMEBOMB not resetting and sound bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by VV4LL3, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. VV4LL3

    TIME BOMB (5): Activate to override the Defector’s cooling system regulators turning it into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 40% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.

    [NOTE(-)/BUG?] If being revived after a time bomb is activated, successful detonation, it takes 2minutes 15seconds for the timebomb ability to reset completely. If the bomb was unsuccessful, the time remaining is paused and has an equal, proportionate slow/extended time to return to use again, as if the timer were 2m15s.
    Recommendation. This may be implemented as part of a control system to prevent suicide/detonation abuse, however, for the player poses a great dissatisfaction. A more reasonable cooldown would be 45 seconds, on part with other abilities, and represents the average time for a player to spawn and return to battle. Please use this standard (45sec) for unsuccessful detonations as well. Either way, please update tooltip to reflect a proper cooldown/reset period.

    [BUG] The Time Bomb Audio sequence of the bomb charging up continues even after death. This would give players the wrong impression that the bomb has NOT been neutralized.

    [NOTE(-)] The description is clipped in the EDIT ABILITY EQUIPMENT view. Recommend moving text up to see entire description for the user. Currently a user must “mouse over” the text or item to view the remaining description.
  2. VV4LL3

    Still happens.