[BUG] Cannot Spawn/Vehicle Deploy due to [Missing Weapon Attachment]

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by VV4LL3, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. VV4LL3

    As a NSO player at the deply screen. When selecting the vehicle spawn, the user is unable to spawn/deploy into a vehicle, due to an error "missing weapon attachment Press X"
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  2. VictoryJon

    Could not access any vehicle terminals outside the Warpgate. Tried using all types of soldiers - pressed E but no "Access Terminal" when standing in front of them. Only the Warpgate terminals worked. Reported to support and they resolved the issue almost immediately. If you are having this issue, let them know.
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  3. VictoryJon

    Update - worked for a minute - now not working again. It appears I can access vehicle terminals at the Warpgate as well as at the Amp stations - all continents. Have not tested them all but cannot access vehicle terminals at smaller outposts.
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  4. Despia

    I discovered that only bases with at least two vehicle terminals let me spawn vehicles as NSO, and i can only spawn at the second vehicle terminal. Pretty annoying spawning vehicles ~1500m away from action. A.N.V.I.L.s wörk.
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