Bug after bug

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Zamos, May 16, 2013.

  1. Zamos

    Waited to log in all day and when i did game crashed between redeploy loading screens.
    Fix the game its not beta anymore for ****'s sake and you wonder why people abandon this game.
  2. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    I'm terribly sorry you're running into some crashing, I can certainly empathize with how frustrating it is to run into them, especially during the heat of battle.

    It's entirely possible your crashing is the result of a corrupt game file. Try this, run your Planetside 2 Launchpad and log in, but do not press play. Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a hexagon surrounding a wrench) in the lower left and then choose the option to open game directory. In the window/folder that comes up, locate, make backups of, and delete the following files


    Once these files are deleted, close the Planetside 2 window/folder and go back to the Launchpad > Advanced Tools/Settings menu. Click on the Validate Game Assets menu option and then press the green Validate button to have the Launchpad check your game files, and download any missing or corrupt files.