Buff ZOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. Kociboss

    They complain, because you can kill an infantryman using 4 rockets even at super long range. Also, they are very accurate.

    Furthermore, fractures cause huge screenshake so it's hard to return fire. This is why infantry players are complaining.

    The dmg is already reduced on PTS though.
  2. Zazulio

    It takes a heavily certed NC MAX to beat a stock TR/VS MAX. The only weapons that the NC MAX has that can kill another MAX without extended magazines is dual grinders (250 certs each), and those only at a range of less than 5m. That's 500 certs for the ability to fight against a stock TR or VS MAX and come out on top, at point blank range while hitting with all pellets. In order to become competetive at 10m or less, it requires an additional 1000 certs to unlock extended mags for both weapons. That's 1500 certs just to get weapons capable of holding your ground at 10m or less, not counting your defensive and utility cert investments. Outside of 10m you lose all straight brawls, even against stock MAXes, unless you've got help. For 1500 certs, those other factions' MAXes can buy their 250 cert secondary (even two, if they want), and then just buff their kinetic armor or ZOE or whatever. and all of a sudden they're coming out on top again.

    Basically, for an NC MAX to be as good as a stock TR or VS MAX at a range of 10m or less, it takes an investment of 1500 certs. For as long as that'd take, it'd probably be easier just to roll a TR or VS MAX and enjoy a good show right out of the gate, and for the ability to accurately project their damage to 40m or so, while still killing more distant targets through burst-firing.
  3. Zazulio

    That and the fact that Fractures are better at Anti-Infantry than anything the NC has, and they're supposed to be AV weapons. I wouldn't care about TR MAXes using fractures if it didn't feel like a slap in the face while on NC, because it's like they're saying, "Our AV weaponry is more viable than your entire arsenal."
  4. Saool


    I said as much in another thread. The ZOE maxes greatest weapon is the forum generated fear. And I think 5-6 if generous. Or you are just better at it then me. Remember (and some people seem not the get this) is ZOE mode you are weaker and go down quicker. When I blunder into a room full of opponents 'if' they don't just run like idiots, and instead just open fire, I go down like a plutonium anchor without getting a bead on anything. I might pop one before I drop.

    I also can't wait to meet these NC Maxes the can't fight outside 10 feet. I must just be very unlucky and be meeting the hacked ones that seem quite happy to drop me from the other side of the room.

    Now out in the open, I'll grant you, Vanu maxes have the advantage. Inside? I either run away from them, or suicide hoping the person behind me finishes the job.

    So I take a dim view of all the nerf ZOE buff NC max threads. Thus this thread. I actually think 50% of the people are clueless as to the down sides of ZOE and just go with the forum flow, and the other 50% know exactly what they are doing and are just trying to nerf the enemy regardless.
  5. RadarX

    As we have numerous threads this discussion can be had on, we'll close this one to help consolidate feedback.
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