[Suggestion] Buff stalker cloak

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ChainsawBizkt, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. ReptilePete

    Not much chance of infils sprinting everywhere and remaining unseen, they stick out like a sore thumb. They should have something like a surge ability that gives them extra speed though, to get in and out of situations. Because they are so visible they become just another example of run in, kill a few and then die gameplay. Infils should be more than that, they should be able to engage in cat and mouse type scenarios, be the hunter and the hunted and an option for players that dont want the mindless pew pew die. At the moment they are not a true infil class, just a less visible version of infantry with less shield and less fire power.
  2. Diggsano

    I suggest invicibility ONLY in Deep Cloak...

    If someone is invicible he DOES Render and IS killable.

    What happened in the Video was a Bug.

    If you want to know why i know this, write a PM to me.
  3. CuteBeaver

    Lol. I am very aware this is a bug. Since I reported it and documented it a year ago... My point, which you missed so conveniently is that when the Heavy Assult shown in the video did not render...( He and was truly invisible) A side effect of being truly invisible is he could not be shot. What your asking for follows the same logic. 100% invisible = no rendering. No rendering = cannot be shot. Shaders will never be 100% perfect. Could they be improved? Maybe but my point stands there is always going to be some distortion.

    The point i am making is even if deep cloak were improved. We need to keep moving. We are not playing against NPCs here, we are playing against humans which can be more or less intelligent then ourselves.The only time an improved version of cloak would be slightly helpful is when your being careless, and have overstayed your welcome. When an enemy is straining, and zeroing in on your exact position. If cloak were improved it wouldn't really solve anything because those enemies are probably going to find you anyway. Darklights / Laser Sight Beams / Tripping on you. Ect.

    So my point again why should infils be rewarded for not having the good sense to shift location and manage their risks? Do you not see the logic? If enemy is looking for you specifically , and knows roughly the exact location - this is when stalkers get found. If enemy isn't sure exactly what direction your hiding, cloaks more then good enough to get passed over even against players using Ultra.

    So no, I don't think its a good idea to cover for mistakes when it comes to overstaying ones welcome. We can just agree to disagree.
  4. Diggsano

    That is not exactly right...

    Something that doesn not render is invisible.

    Something that is invisible can be rendered.

    Like i said we can discuss that in PM because i can't just shut it in the whole internet so everyone can read EXACTLY that information.

    I really would like to but i can't. So either PM (Private Message) or nothing at all :/
  5. NubCannon

    I agree, the infiltrator has kinda become mostly useless especially in large battles. between the graphical glitches and darklight flashlight cloaking is almost useless, and the lower amount of health limits us to sneaking up behind enemies with an SMG or long range sniping, which is what is supposed to happen, however without the cloak one could just as easily be light assault.

    I also had a few ideas that might make the infiltrator a more team friendly class, such as a bubble cloak that functions like the sunderer but can be deployed like the medic shield regen bubble, having the deployed object always be visible. perhaps thermal optics for the long range weapons to make night time fights better, for instance for 500 certs on the bolt action rifle a 6x thermal sight.

    perhaps an implant that makes your cloak immune to darklight flashlights, additionally, perhaps the new anti-shatter armor slot thing could be buffed to remove the hit marker when cloaked.

    also i feel as though the NC and VS proximity mines have a distinct advantage over the TR proximity mines due to visual construction. With the NC and VS mines being flat discs and the TR claymore standing up vertically i feel as though the TR have to be much more precise in their placement of Proxy mines as they are easier to see and shoot. It probably does not significantly effect game play, but i figured it was worth pointing out.

    I do appreciate that the new construction terminals are hackable though. On the subject of hackable constructions, to make the infiltrator a more useful class in base battles, i feel it would be amusing if infiltrators could hack the auto targeting modules, perhaps taking much longer to hack than terminals, and have them revert back after 30 seconds or a minute, to make them not extremely over powered. or perhaps hackable shield modules with the same effect.

    finally, for thanks giving it would be absolutely hilarious if, for 1k certs, one could buy a rubber chicken as a knife

    Thank you all for the immensely fun game Planet side 2
  6. Jones

    Big agree from me. people see infil WAY too easy. and that's not even referring to those with 3rd party enhancements.
  7. Orakel

    Dont buff ^^
  8. Mr. Thoughtful

    They truly are quite easy to spot. Standing or crouched. What use does a darklight have these days? Infiltrator buff is a must IMO even though i hate infis so damn much.
  9. FuzzyWuzzy

    You are completely invisible when crouching and standing still to distant targets. You are NOT completely invisible to those that are very close to you and by the way, moving your aim to watch enemies also makes you SLIGHTLY more visible. Veteran players notice any very strange looking area that doesn't look correct to them and will just decided to shoot there. You're definitely not invisible to those with dark light. Which is on most people's pistol.

    In my case, I often crouch in bushes to avoid the typical concept of the infiltrator being next to a building wall, a tree, a corner, etc. Not to mention the considerably annoying "strange looking area" (blur) that makes people notice you is kind of hard to detect in a bush. Last but not least. You can not run through enemy soldiers. When I play any other class and I hit an invisible wall that shouldn't be there, I will shoot in that location, which often times ends up being an infiltrator. Ignoring the fact that many infiltrators like to spam the Q (spot button) when stealth, which also alerts enemies that there is an infiltrator nearby and they will look for you.

    If you think stalker cloak needs a buff then you're just looking for an easy give me.
    You need to learn your class and play it properly. Most people speak as if this class is a heavy, it is not. Do not play it like a heavy. You will die, a lot.
    Just like a medic is there to revive and heal. It is not meant to be played as a run and gun.
    Infiltrator has different play styles, one of them being: the idea of knifing unsuspecting foes, but don't expect no one to see you as you RUN (shift) past and then get mad at the fact that you were noticed.

    It's camouflage, camouflage is meant to be somewhat noticeable when you move, especially when you're moving quickly.
    It is not invisibility.
    I've noticed that I am more visible while still at a slightly close distance when it's daytime. (I'm not sure how correct this is, if at all.)
    But apparently seeing these strange camouflaged areas is easier during those times.

    Again, if you think stalker cloak needs a buff then you're just looking for an easy give me. Keep playing and grasp the concept and you'll slowly learn and get much better at tactics. It's quite fun. :)
    • Up x 2
  10. Azzblazter

    Weird...I crouch in groups of enemies and never get seen. I have max's pretty much walk through me. I use them in HIVEs all the time and only get seen running or darklighted.
    However, I see them and kill them all the time...I think the difference is, I seek shadows. I always see enemy stalkers in full light. Like the predator :D
    • Up x 1
  11. Scudmungus

    Really doesn't need a buff. Would welcome one but...

    Squads already run past us while crouched - assuming they have a nice inf farm to focus on, which is down to our positioning.

    Consider making better use of space and always have an escape route - a ledge/obstacle to break LOS will do wonders.