bring more life to vr training

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZoSoGetsu, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. ZoSoGetsu

    Just make the static ncs move a little.. the space is huge and mostly unused.. have tanks circling somewhere, have aircraft fly simple patterns around the map, have infantry making patrols, etc.. You dont really get the sense of "training" in the crapshoot it is now, and especially forget about truly testing any AA weapons...
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  2. norsewarlord

    Vote for this idea!
  3. WMDeath

    you has meh vote
  4. DFDelta

    I'd already be happy if they fixed the splash bug, so we can finally test out weapons and get actually realistic results.
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  5. FBVanu

    and if SOE ever goes and touches VR training... they should remove the killboard.. do we really need to know who killed which dummy???
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  6. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    Yeah we definitely need movement to make it more realistic
  7. doombro

    This would be greatly appreciated. Functional splash damage would be loved as well.

    Personally, I'd like to see every type of building appear at least once in the VR room, as well as have the ability to enable shooting one another in VR for training purposes.
  8. FrankHH

    VR training really needs some improvements, it feels very rushed out.
  9. GlueHead

    Indeed. Moving targets. Splash damage. Thermal. Everyting needs to be fixed