[Suggestion] Bring back special weapons for the black camo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Itorien, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Itorien

    I noticed that players used to be able to get a bunch of special (golden) weapons which would also count towards the black camo, such as pistols or SMGs. However these days the only available ones are usually either knives, fireworks launchers or crossbows. How about make those reskins of normal weapons available as a part of some event/buyable for a limited time (for anniversary or something?) so that players will have the possibility to get the black camo with them instead of having to use knives or candy launchers in an attempt to get it? I think that players will feel the incentive to buy them for a better possibility to get the black camo so it should bring some profits too.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Bundles....... Bundles everywhere.
  3. GhostAvatar

    Or.... you could make directive weapons count towards it.
    • Up x 3
  4. RedArmy

    theres also alotta ebay items u can buy - gold SMGs are only $10 for all 3 empires combine
  5. Joexer

    From someone who already has 7 of the items. All I can say is wait for the anniversery bundle
  6. Foxirus

    I unlocked the black camo a long time ago. Its pretty nice looking on everything. I got lucky and did it back when all the NS platinum weapons were recruit rewards.
  7. Dethonlegs

    You also used to be able to use other peoples special vehicle weapons and have it count towards the black camo even though you don't own it. They stopped that a few months ago....
  8. ElricVIII

    I've got to say, the prospect of grinding ~6k knife kills is a bit daunting. I've pretty much resolved myself to not bothering with this.

    IMO, a good directive is one that promotes natural gameplay, rather than only grinding.
  9. FateJH

    The real problem is that people think that Directive rewards are things that they need to grind rather than just achieve through normal play. Look at things like the MAX Punch Directive or that Combat medic Directive where you kill other Combat Medics - those are things that you can not reliably grind and people complain that they can not reliably be grinded. From my perspective, that suggsts to me that Directives are best viewed as something that happens in the course of standard gameplay.

    (Let's ignore, for the moment, the point that the Medic against Medic tasking is a weird thing to reward that class.)
  10. Taemien

    That's not a bad idea. Or at least a directive for the directives.
  11. Plastikfrosch

    that would make the non heat mechanic weapons worth grinding for it (dont see any reason to go for any weapon beside those 3 VS guns)
  12. ElricVIII

    The point is that 6k knife kills is not something that comes out of normal gameplay in less than a multiple years. Unless this directive is different from all the others and you don't actually have to get 1160 kills with the knives, but a more reasonable number.
  13. FateJH

    PlanetSide Classic Merit Commendation for Hand-to-Hand (i.e., knives) which were based on the concept of Unique Kills. Certainly only half of 6k knife kills in total but, with the unique kill requirement, coupled with the capping kill streak per rank, probably not something that you'd knock out over a spot of tea. There were people who did earn this, all the same.