Bring back Infiltrators showing up on IRNV

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belarod, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Belarod

    In my opinion Infiltrators have gotten overpowered now with all the new weapons at their disposal. There needs to be a counterbalance to them walking in and shooting you in the back then restealthing. Once upon a time, you could see their silhouette with IRNV scopes. This needs to come back to help when you know that a Infiltrator is there, be can’t do anything but shot around blindly, hoping to hit something.
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  2. Teegeeack

    Just stick your settings on low. Can't miss 'em.
  3. LonelyTerran

    They used to show up easily for me on low.(Not anymore tho)
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  4. Silkensmooth

    So you want an indirect nerf for the least played class in the game? A class that even when it gets the drop on someone has a good chance of dying? Interesting.
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  5. Teegeeack

    They still show up for me on low. Not at a distance though. But close up, when it really matters, they show up.
  6. Oreo202

    No. The counterbalance is listening for their loud cloak sound.
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  7. WaiZen

    Wait, Why do you need to see them on IRNV when I can see them with the cloak on :eek:
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  8. daskleineviech

    If an Infil gets the drop on you with a SMG, you're dead. The only chance is one of the godly pump shotguns of incredible doom, but they suck in any other situations.
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  9. Teegeeack

    Actually I think the medic is now the least played class. Infiltrator is tied with light assault.
  10. Get2dachoppa

    This might come as a surprise, but any class can sneak up and shoot you in the back.
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  11. kadney

    But not nearly completely invisible. I think they should appear on IRNV scopes. Due to the limited range, they are only good for distances up to ~50-70 meters. I can't see the problem here. It would only expose infiltrators that are in CQC range.

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  13. LonelyTerran

  14. Revanmug

    1-Stop tunnelvision and spot those lol infiltrator before they get close
    2-Mistake happen. Get medical kit and laugh and you can tank the damage.

    If that still doesn't work, you are simply bad and should feel bad.
  15. daskleineviech

    I don't think tunnel vision is the reason why I can't see things behind my back. And med kits are worthless when people are actually shooting at you. And I need my C4 to blow up Vanguards.
  16. Jakko

    I don't think we should go back to the days of the NV scope completely negating the infiltrator cloaking ability. It is now allowing the infiltrator to perform its anti-infantry role. I do think they should not be completely invisible on the NV as they are now. Seems like a small change is needed to the NV optic.
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  17. Revanmug

    Infiltrator get in your back because you aren't watching around you aka tunnelvision.

    I almost feel sorry for you for not knowing how to use things in a more interesting way. You have tools and you simply refuse to use them.
  18. Ivalician

    Agree with Jakko. Using the IRNV is a tradeoff. For an increase in effectiveness against all other classes ( and your own team ), I take a substantial decrease in effectiveness against one class. That's fair. And I say this as a primarily infantry player who almost exclusively uses the IRNV. These days, half my deaths are probably due to SMG infiltrators and shotguns.

    That said, I don't think infiltrators should be completely invisible on IRNV. I think a good compromise would be for motionless infiltrators to still be entirely invisible, but for moving infiltrators to periodically, kinda ping into view on IRNV. Kinda just a hazy shadow that you can catch a glimpse of. The more the infiltrator moves, the more frequently they ping. Just frequently enough for you to get a idea of heading, and if you're good, to formulate an educated guess firing solution while scoped.

    But the pinging should not be frequent enough to replace your eyeball mk.2s ( spot checking will still be your primary defense ).
  19. Chubzdoomer

    Even as a tanker who uses IRNV and used to enjoy killing cloaked Infiltrators with IRNV: No. It isn't fair to them. They pose essentially no threat to tanks and should not be visible through IRNV Optics.
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  20. Ganelon

    My main gripe with this is that I can't ADS while there's one walking just outside hipfire range.