[Suggestion] Bring back facility benefits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. JarredGalaxy

    This has likely been brought up before but if there was any other major changes that should be added to the game going forward, one of them is bringing back the advantages and benefits that main facilities, meaning the Tech Plants, Amp Stations and Bio Labs gave when your empire controlled them and perhaps be given a few other changes and updates to improve this type of setup.

    Tech Plants unlocked MBTs at outposts making it so you needed one to spawn your empire's MBT from bases beyond the Warpgate.

    Bio Labs would allow for passive healing among allied forces.

    Amp Stations gave reduced cooldown time for base defense turrets.

    These types of benefits made the major facilities on the continents strategically important and worth fighting over or defending, today Tech Plants still have a slight use of allowing for the Colossus to be spawned at them but other than that the major facilities now have no real significance outside of resources, lattice links and territory percentage. This feature was removed in either 2019 or 2020 I believe.

    It would be a big improvement on the battle flow and combat in the game by having the main facilities give major benefits to the empire controlling them. I have a few ideas on how to better improve this type of system.

    Tech Plants: Will be needed to be able to spawn MBTs at most outpost bases, will also be required to spawn Liberators at outposts with airpads and construction base airpads, Bio Labs and Amp Stations will still be able to spawn MBTs and Liberators by default.

    Amp Stations: Grants reduced cooldown time for base defense turrets and additionally will reduce cooldown on construction defensive turrets, another addition is they will reduce the nanite costs for vehicles and MAX units at neighboring facilities.

    Bio Labs: Once again grants passive healing for allied players including MAX units, additional bonuses will be increased healing and revives for Combat Medic medical applicators and their nano-regen device, allowing them to heal players back to full HP quicker and revive slightly faster, will also grant longer revive timers for downed players. The boosts from the Bio Labs to help balance will also be based on a radius extending out to a certain number of hexes and then it gets to a weaker stage 2 where the boosts are not as high.

    Bases like the Tridents and Interlinks on Oshur and the Containment Sites on Esamir are up for debate. Additional features to give more strategy is if an empire controls 2 or all 3 Amp Stations or Bio Labs the bonuses from them will be increased even more making it more crucial to capture and defend them. Also if some bases are cut off from like a Tech Plant or Amp Station or a construction base is within the cut off territory they will lose their benefits, same for if a major facility is entirely cut off it will stop granting its bonus making it again crucial to maintain lattice links.