[Suggestion] Brightening up Hossin lighting, fantasy swamp concept art

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    We have glowy plants, but they aren't light sources, they're just glowy plants. Make them illuminate the area like a the lightposts do, let them warm up a large area so the whole continent isn't so dark.

    The fog is way too potent way too close up. compare some concept art of swamp fog with Hossin's, and hossins will seem very thick much sooner than most other swamp concepts.
    Fog can also act as a light source. The source doesn't have to be explained, what emits a glowing green light at the edge of the fog? It doesn't matter, as long as it lets me see!

    More artificial light sources lining the ways to places, with illuminating glows.

    More ambient light reflecting from things. Everything reflects light, you don't need to be within direct LOS of a lightsource in order to see. More ambient light during the day and maybe more moonlight at night making its way through the canopy.

    Just an idea for the continent in general, its ok to have some non-hazy areas, that aren't covered by canopy. We get that the theme is swamp. WE GET IT! But its ok to be more than just a swamp.

    More ambient plant lighting. These really illuminate the canopy as well as the ground. Low hanging vines/flowers might glow in the dark at night so the entire continent isn't a vanu wonderland.

    Glowy moss and tree parasites to act as light posts.
    Could change up the water areas to instead be covered by transparent glowy fog that can be seen through enough to make out tank mines.

    Hollowed out trees with glowy bug colonies could act as periodic intense light sources.

    Anyways, as long as I can see ****, **** Hossin.
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