Briggs Server down - yet again

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DJSEAN00, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. crazykiwi22

    Wish they would give us some info on what they are doing and what we should expect... Maybe some of us will be grateful for the servers to be shut down to fix all the bugs.

    Edit: oh wait nvm found some info =D
  2. sirinon

    nothing from devs ?? seriously my whole clan just got into this and now they are all being put off by server instability.

    I understand there can be issues at launch but it would be nice if the devs could give us an ETA on when they will be back up.
  3. Acropoli

    They've only just taken them down for maintenance. Settle down kids. They can't provide an ETA until they figure out where the problem lies.
  4. Omegon

    lol down, down and staying down!

    Benn playing on Helios and the lag ain't that bad =P

    I would prefer AU server be fix ASAP though
  5. Kortan

    That's how PlanetSide works, you wont lag, but to everyone else you'll be warping around like crazy,
  6. Shreddi

    did 3 chars on 3 different servers and each one lasted a few minutes before being disconnected. West coast servers so I dont know wtf they are talking about above with Australian servers. How are the East Coast Servers working?
  7. Gudplaya1

    They need a spokesperson for the AU because atm, the devs are asleep apart from the programmers hard @ work so nobody is really informing us on whats going on.
  8. augrunt

  9. Shubniggurath

    Welcome to open beta guys. If you want to see what SOE reps are saying in the forum just click on "SOE Post Tracker", 3rd tab from the left.
  10. Rockman

    Funny really. I played on Briggs all day and other then no Vcomms i didn't have a single issue. Run flawlessly. no warping. everything set to high 55-100fps. Maybe it's cause i logged in at 8AM
  11. Angelight85

    First world problems.
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  12. Somethingbloody

    Only got a few minutes of play. Was surprised we had any action at all on Briggs.
  13. Deems

    They probably forgot they even have an aussie server FML
  14. Cenumis

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  15. DJSEAN00

    Why the hell is ours locked!!!
  16. ILDUCE

    The Aussie crew probably called it a night and decided to work on it tomorrow morning. :p
  17. Gudplaya1

    We really do need a moderator or someone from Australia (or this region) to be in charge of keeping us informed, because peak time for us is bed time for most others.

    Therefore we barely get any information and will always be left out, kinda sad really.
    • Up x 1

    Patience is a virtue, ****.
  19. bleevo

    Diligence is a virtue as well.
  20. Deems

    Patience and go **** itself
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