Briggs population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IceFire909, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. IceFire909

    So I've been out of Planetside for quite some time. Came back and had a blast liberating folks, but after a couple days I've noticed that there's just tragic numbers of players online.

    Quite some time ago each empire easily had 100-200 players, but these days Briggs barely gets that many total. So is there something that I'm not thinking of that's caused players to vanish from Briggs?
  2. Scorpion97

    Because Briggs is quite far from every other region,even Asians play at Connery because they have lower ping there and actually Briggs have the highest ping from most of the regions
    Most of Briggs players are Australians and Philippines,and the total users from these places is generally pretty low
  3. IceFire909

    God I hate being an Australian gamer sometimes.

    Actually, no. I hate that I can't just jump my character across servers to play with people. Locking to a server is ****.
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  4. Scorpion97

    Any server with less than 200 ms will be good for you
  5. Pikachu

    Australia has less people to play. That's why they only got 1 server while Europe got 6, USA west got 3 and USA east got 4. Currently the PS4 doesn't even have a server for Australia. You people are too few in numbers and too far away from everybody else.

    Players are the content so less players means more leaves the game.
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  6. Lash9

    Its not that we dont have the population on Briggs it is just that it seems to migrate around to one side until one of the factions eventually just throws their hands up and stops playing. Briggs is also the most boring server in terms of fights - if you have ever played on Connery during the early morning to mid afternoon you would see Planetside 2 in a totally different light. More and more aussies are going back to Connery to fight the koreans that have moved there after the korean server shut down. It kind of sucks since its Im pretty sure its hosted in US central not on the west coast any more.

    I dont know what faction you are from, but at least you'll be able to jump on and play with a public squad that actually wants to work together. Not a bunch of mutes spread across the map in their heavy assault kit or seeing an empty pub squad list because the outfits are too cool for school.
  7. Dethonlegs

    I can't agree more. Character names are unique across servers so we should only need 1 player per faction for use on any server.
  8. n0pax

    According to all servers have been bleeding players at drastic rates up until the PS4 release when PC numbers stabilized out quite a bit. It's not just Briggs, the game as a whole has been dying off rapidly since it is a full priced f2p game yet gets fewer patches than Battlefield 3, an almost 4 year old B2P game that was "complete" at launch.
  9. anaxim

    All those silly guys(I don't want to use the word stupid) that leave Briggs to go play in American servers, they dont understand that Planetside 2 with its client-side hit detection its the exception of all the other AAA titles.Now they can enjoy a 250+ ping and they can use it to their advantage but the next big AAA title will probably have a server side detection,it will be unplayable for them with no Aus server, and they will regret that they didnt support their old server more.

    I dont say that for you OP my friend.You did this post because you have your concerns.But I cant believe those guys that they ask for companies to make Aus servers and when they do they leave it to play with 250ping just because in the current game it is better for them or because the population is better.
    Same thing for those that because their faction is losing they change faction to be with the ones that dominate.I dont say that other gamers are better than Australians ,Im sure that all gamers are the same.But that is the thing,Australians should be better than other gamers, because all the gaming world and companies treats us like we are second class.So we should prove that we deserve servers for our country.
    But what do we do when Sony and Daybrake shows us some respect.We ruin the server by changing factions like all other gamers and we leave the server to go play as laggers.And then we post in other forums in other games "we want Aus servers"

    ~Briggs to the end~

    ps: same for those guys that buy full price games with no Aus servers and then they ask the company to support the Australian gamers.If you buy their fricking game why should they support you any more? Keep your money and when you see a company to respect you as a gamer unload your money to them.