Briggs NC - You only have yourselves to blame

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. MavCooL

    Diplomacy between faction will get better if they just winning
    But when things started going south they will blaming each other
    Its just human nature
  2. equinub

    NC are still winning majority off peak alerts. Won a heaps last night/yesterday morning..
  3. MykeMichail

    Winning off peak alerts because the majority of TR and VS players are asleep is really not a matter of balance but a matter of having more pop. We have the capability to win some of the peak-time alerts, we just don't because about 60% of the NC pop refuses to participate, and probably 10% of those who refuse to participate switch to TR.
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  4. UNSCSpartan051

    Supermate did that? What the **** super. I'll talk to you soon.
    Also, RSNC members stop flaming fires and stop talking about this.
  5. equinub

    LOL @ NC esamir alert pushing purple instead of REDs..
  6. equinub

    Well done NC good hard fight on that alert. Top job on the overpop recruiting mikemike. ;p
  7. MykeMichail

    I was a little dissappointed when I saw we had about 40% pop to be honest. I was looking forward to a balanced fight, not a steam roll.

    To be honest, after we got Mani Fortress and Saerro Listening Post, there wasn't much more territory we could actually take without going through you.

    Its one of the design flaws of Esamir. The SW and NE warpgates can always go through and attack each other via Nott/Ymir/Elli but we have to go through either Eisa Tech or the inner circle via East River Sky Station to keep getting access to more territory.

    The Octocrown also presents a massive bottleneck which can easily be defended with a smaller force, hence taking that out of the equation ensured we didn't tie up too much of our forces with you guys pushing out from there.

    Seeing as Nott and Elli are major bottlenecks which keep a lot of forces tied up for a long time, its easier just to push towards Ymir via East River, hence, we pushed into VS.
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  8. equinub

    NC now dominating alerts, someone NERF! o_O
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  9. MykeMichail

    I hope this doesn't become normal. I want balanced alerts, not one faction wiping the floor with the other two.
  10. TheFullCologne

  11. Choppy89

    I am glad we are winning se alerts, wish it doesn't turn into a 4th faction steam roll. Thanks heaps to those on TR and VS who fought to the bitter end, you showed you had a set of nuts.

    To all 4th factioners. "YOU HAVE SMALL BALLS"
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  12. Blackinvictus

  13. MykeMichail

    Another NC victory on Briggs tonight. TR starts good but wimps out about half way through.

    What's going on TR? You don't like an even fight?

    VS is now the faction we're waiting on to get over to Amerish.

    VS have no excuse - their global pop is matching NC's most of the time at the moment.

    What's the deal guys?
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  14. HeyHoHelloHowdy

    Hmm... thought the NC needed some help so.. asked the TR outfit members and friends to help out.
    Good to see the NC dominating now. :D
  15. equinub

    Lol, had 74% territory and NC started going backwards for the next hour. Only once chingy started his song and dance did NC finally close off the cap around Crux mining. HOUR LATER! ;)

    Even fight? I watched JUGA pod on auraxium network hub, they barely hit the building roofs before 20+ reavers swarm podded them to death. Wasn't a fair fight all the way to sungrey amp. :confused:

    Yeah about those no show vanu. I asked my guys, do you want have a go alerting? We looked at population 5,10 minutes in.. 0-13% vs 43/43%, nah without significant numbers [trol] backing us, we're not going to make a difference. :eek:

    Go assign blame to TROL for there conquering indar campaign before the alert. :rolleyes:
  16. MykeMichail

    There's a difference between not having the population, and not having the population in the right place.

    TR had the population, it simply wasn't in the right place.

    VS had the population, and being the cowards they are, took the opportunity to ghost cap Indar.

    Beginning of the alert pops were abut 20/40/40 VS/NC/TR. By the end TR gave up and VS never came so it was about 10/60/30. Server pops were never greater than 10% difference between the highest and lowest pop.

    Poor effort from TR and VS. It seems TR and NC have swapped places and VS has maintained its position as the people who can't be bothered showing up.
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  17. AUSGrizzly

    I swear the NC fall for the Farm Trap every time during Alerts...
    As soon as any number of TR (or heaven forbid VS if they arrive) appear in one base, EVERYONE that isn't of the more organized outfits swarm there for the farm. Watched not one, not two, but 3 hexes get overfilled with NC and barely any TR but the most skilled (JUGA) attacking/defending there...
    OR better yet, everyone swarming to Bio/Amp/Techs for that large Cap Exp. Standing like lost sheep at the point in a stupor...
    3 times NC Kissed the 74% mark, never making it to 3rd Base until the last 4mins of the match...

    FFS NC, Alerts are not the time to Farm...
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  18. AxisO7

    Yeah, what happened there and especially Rockslide Outlook seemed to be a slight overkill. Especially as we had none of our flyboys online to give us any cover.

    Oh, I'll definitely assign most of the blame to the outfit which commands most of the forces - TROL. But if even a squad or two more of the VS had come over and fought against the NC, they probably wouldn't have got domination. TR managed to hold them until the final few minutes as it was, so if VS had a few more numbers pushing the southwestern corner of the map and forcing NC to split their forces even a little, it would quite likely have stopped the domination victory.
  19. equinub

    Another good solid fight between NC and TR.

    A very sneaky onatha biolab GALaxy drop and quick cap from AG7 and escorts finishes the alert off.

    Big congratulations to all involved..including SOGA "mr conspiracy" voidest.
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  20. Crackulous

    I'd be willing to participate in a alert if I there's a platoon willing to attempt it, which often isn't the case when the continent it's on isn't Indar. Honestly, seeing as being on this game is playing for entertaining purposes, and arguably, there's much more fun to be had on Indar, it isn't a surprise to see people flocking to the canyon continent all the time.