Briggs NC demoralization.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by soeguud, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. soeguud

    Technical victory for the vanus.
    It's gotten to the point where even with a global 36VS/27TR/36NC you and an esamir alert, you'll only have 22% on the alert continent. In other words, despite the numbers we've limited chance in competing in awesome brawls that aren't on Indar except during prime-time.

    TR are the usual stoic badasses they always are.

    What the heck's going on here, and what are possible solutions to this conundrum?
  2. Mcponington

    Too many alerts I reckon, from a vanu perspective we find that our members only want to seriously contend for every second or third alert especially if there are still good fights on indar. NC won the prime time indar alert last night so I don't think it is all doom and gloom for you guys. NC used to dominate all the non indar alerts when they had the population, maybe they are just sick of the other continents. When the lattice comes in on the other continents it might generate more interest in playing on them.
  3. soeguud

    Only one of a vast many other crushing defeats. Apparently that was an epic fight, and we won by a knife's edge.. literally. And again, as I'd mentioned earlier, it was held during primetime. We should be able to compete too, or more often than we do now, as NC has a fairly decent sized player base on Briggs.
  4. Mcponington

    I think many of the TR weapon systems are more easily noob friendly to abuse(striker,fracture, lockdown prowler) are much more easily understood then the NC equivalent. This means that all the sub 20 BR guys are much less effective. Also your zerg armies appear to behave like there is no leader at all most of the time. I was expecting outfits like tog1 and 41bn were going to step up and take control of the big public army many months ago but that clearly didn't happen. Someone in NC needs to step up and take control of the greatest resource in the game which is the mindless public population and put them to better use.
  5. Kortan

    Briggs NC has been useless since release.
  6. soeguud

    Fancy joining us and seeing if you can do anything about it?
  7. Marked4Death

    I'm pretty sure the pop graphs are bugged right now. There have been other threads where people saw NC low on the alert cont, but there was a queue to get in. I've also looked at the pop graphs, and it doesn't match the count of friendlies / enemies fighting in each hex.
  8. y3ivan

    NC briggs are filled with low BR players.... excellent for cert farm
    • Up x 2
  9. FaLI3N

    I totally agree with the too many alerts comment. Vanu as well, we kind of just groan when an alert comes up and it's more of a not again than something we actually want to do.
    I've been hanging with the NC and TR lately though helping out the faction that is least pop and from what I've seen with the other factions is that TR have plenty of groups that are willing to work together and apply effective strategies and NC kind of have a few outfits ran by immature or clueless players. This really makes me sad because after playing all faction I have really come to like NC's weapons but when they are underpop and I log in to them it feels like a chore.
    I'm following around a child that has no understanding of the lattice system and is literally trying to send entire platoons to areas that aren't connected or even nearly connected to an owned facility. Either that or you get some self-important jerk who although is probably communicating to members through teamspeak, is running a public platoon and doesn't talk to the pubbies at all. When they are done playing or just feel like running members only they kick all the others without any warning and they will kick you for the smallest of infractions to their rules. I squad deployed off of their platoon leader and then got kicked for being too far away from the fight for example.
    Overall you guys just need to pull your stuff together, the other factions have figured this is a numbers game and typically have a few charismatic leaders who herd the pubbies into doing something useful and are open to helping the new guys out. You guys just have a few closed off groups and literally tell your platoons to run as soon as larger groups turn up. You have the numbers but you guys really need somebody to step up and take control of the masses and work towards some semblance of communication between both you and your publics. Remember when you first joined the game, you knew to shoot crap but had no idea of the workings of the game or what you should cert into. Try and help the new guys out.
  10. Kortan

    As much as I love the Gauss Saw... Nope.
    All you need is an outfit to shepherd all the useless pugs, I mean, VS has TROL, TR has KNTR/those drunken guys/BOH. But you have no one.
  11. Dingus148

    I thought BOH WERE those drunken guys...
  12. SgtBreastroker

    One of the big reasons NC stopped bothering with alerts is that they were incredibly easy for the NC to steam roll. After a few weeks of constant NC alert wins the VS started pushing and warpgating the NC so that the NC didn't constantly win and TR took this opportunity to backcap around us both. NC deserved the treatment to get demoralized from all those early alerts on other continents where they'd rock up with 80% population near the start.

    You guys are mindless because you don't attempt to control your zerglings, but you guys are far from being as mindless as the TR. They are a bunch of ghost capping lunatics.
  13. Kortan

    Well yes, but the drunken guys are DLGN
  14. Kortan

    The only thing that has ever made NC steam roll is when the 4th faction (that came from TR) joined them.

    Hell, it took an update that made taking continents easier for the NC to finally take Indar for the first time since release.
  15. Greyfrog

    I personally love Amerish/Esamir, but dislike the hex system, so alerts their are a bit meh.

    Alerts in general happen too often. They lack any lasting impact. XP doesnt cut it, lets have a biolab alert and if you win a dominating victory no one can pull MAXs for an hour OR you can pull opposing factions MAXes for an hour or something interesting. At level 74 I couldn't care less about 10k XP, you can earn more just fighting for 2 hours.

    I suppose I'm waiting for some actual reason to cap an Amp Station or Biolab beyond "Its an alert". The outposts in this game mean nothing. Apart from having a good fight with a particular out fit over a particular part of the map, there is nothing else to look forward to.
  16. Kortan

    If you're waiting for a reason to do anything in PS2, you'll be waiting a while.
  17. Greyfrog

    Hahaha, not a reason I suppose, more consequences for avoiding a fight. I still love playing the, but see little benefit to fighting alerts over fighting non-alerts.
  18. TheFullCologne

    controlling mindless people isnt something we want to achieve or having a 1000+ member outfit like TROL. platoon leading then becomes a game of 'zerg here. then zerg there. and whilst we zerg here, the other 2 platoons can also zerg with us'
  19. HeadshotVictim

    woodman isn't looking much better.
    VS-Population is always 3-10% higher than the other two factions.
    They are very good organized (camping the 2 outer bases of a tech plant while the tech plant itself gets capped and stuff like this).
    But it feels like lots of people flee the alerts.
    Esamir Alert incoming. VS populations skyrockets, TR and NC populations drop on Esamir and slightly rise on Amerish and Indar.
    (Funniest thing was the 3minute alert friday night... Dome Domination - 3mins later: VS Dominating Victory. Great alert. VS held all BioLabs but one and were capping the last one.)
  20. (-)IONS

    a couple of month ago the NC were doing what the Vanu is now. Like seriously only a few month ago!