Briggs dies again

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DJSEAN00, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. DJSEAN00

    getting over it
  2. Sensator

    Yeah it's down.
  3. checkthisout

    I finally manage to aim a guys head, ban you are disconnected
  4. Auxientius

    She's dead captain
  5. Cupcakes

    I know :c
  6. treewombat

    Yup, dead. I've managed about a total of 30 minutes play time since installing on Thursday...
  7. _SaInT_

    what a piece of **** isp.
  8. Nombringer

    Not again.... Don't worry Veratu, we trust you to fix this :)
  9. Minkie

  10. shaky010

    happy to have a 1000 cert given for all the down time to say thanks for the patience
  11. Clem

    We got a server down!
  12. Floydii

    Was there a notification or did it just go down?
  13. treewombat

    Honestly haven't they thought to maybe call it a day, tell us the server is going to be down for a day or two and switch ISP. This sh*t is ridiculous...
  14. Flacker

    Probably Telstraclear's fault. They constantly loose the plot as far as service is concerned, can run a good ad campaign though.
  15. FullDread

    Yeah its about that time of the day.
  16. DJSEAN00

    Despite the fact it's not hosted at Telstra.. But I'm cool with blaming them
    • Up x 1
  17. synicalx

    Yep down for me as well, just checked my work emails and looks like a there might be a few unscheduled outages around AU but not sure if any would be effecting wherever Briggs is hosted/colocated
  18. Clem

    Last I heard, the ISP and all hardware involved was fine and they believe there's a code problem.

    Simmer down chaps.
  19. CFOUR

    Briggs login screen showing server unavailable
  20. Clamage

    This is getting beyond ridiculous...