Biolabs Should Not Exist In The Game In Their Current Form.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CactusLynx, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. ViXeN

    Then the problem seems to be that people aren't using actual tactics when attacking biolabs on your server. From what you have described, it sounds like you are just tossing bodies at it and hoping for the best. Go watch one of the competitive outfits and pay attention to what they do when they are attacking a biolab. I promise you they will do the things I have mentioned above because those are successful tactics.

    I never said you would quickly take a biolab with equal pops. It does happen sometimes but most of the time you will still have a good fight on your hands and that is exactly what I enjoy. I don't want to waste my time in a battle that is over in 5 minutes. For me the best battles in this game are the ones that last at least an hour. I remember a fight at eisa tech way back around when the game was first released that lasted for like 2 days before the TR finally took it and that was just freaking awesome. LOL If you think long battles are a chore then maybe you should be playing FPS games with timed matches (like CS, COD, etc...) instead a game that just goes on forever.
  2. Sky_collapsed BL

    Actually, Biolabs are pretty fun.

    Like other's have said, it's the only place where air kd farmers and vehicle ****** can't disturb your fighting.

    I suggest you go fight elsewhere or git gud, otherwise stop moaning.
  3. Lucidius134



    Allatum stalemates got old in beta
    • Up x 1
  4. Sky_collapsed BL

    Also, I agree with someone who said the best battles are the long ones and that if you find it a chore you should be playing games like bf cod etc.

    In the early days there were massive battles at the crown, of which would go on for days, that was awesome and once your fraction take it, it felt like getting laid by the hot blonde next door with big perky **** for the first time after months of talking and flirting.
  5. Jeslis

    This. SO much this.

    dude, I see a biolab alert and I log off.

    Unlike alot of the people here.. I don't love, or hate biolabs. I hate biolab alerts.. because then there is NOTHING else to do.

    Do I mind that somewhere, on 1 of the 3 continents, there is a 48+ v 48+ biolab fight?
    - Nope, cause I can go fight elsewhere.

    Do I mind that THE ENTIRE SERVER, Across ALL THREE CONTINENTS, is in 4 or 5 of the 9 biolabs, all of which are 48+ v 48+ (more like 250 v 300 ish)..
    - Yes. I do mind. And I log out.

    Sometimes its' not so bad.. and we flood a biolab (defense) and clear it out.. and that push outwards (once OUTSIDE the biolab is usually pretty awesome, lots of tanks/air/infantry everywhere. I'll join in for that.. but the problem is.. it's a biolab alert.
    So what happens?
    We push out, cap the 1 base linking to the biolab, and then everyone vanishes (redeploys) elsewhere... and then the enemy swarm ***** you, ghost caps the base you just flipped.. and 3-5 minutes later is back at the biolab... where everyone then redeploys back to.
    Not. Fun.

    god forbid a base should be difficult to capture and take effort and manpower to attack!

    that's the same mentality that got the only properly functioning defensive base in the game (crown) nerfed into a pointless speedbump on the rush lanes.

    instead of trying to nerf biolabs into uselessness like every other weapon/vehicle/mechanic in the game, they should buff every other base in the game to be just as defensible as biolabs.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    I've been saying this for quite some time.

    Bio-labs are the cancer tumors in PS2's body..... now With the lattice system the Cancer has spread to the Nervous system and the blood flow.
  8. Paragon Exile

    Considering I'm in one of those competitive outfits, I can promise you that we do everything in our power to take things quickly and tactically. More often than not, we just avoid biolabs because they reward zerging far too much, and we don't stick around for farms unless we're dicking around.

    It's not that I dislike long battles, it's that I dislike battles which are clearly stalemates and wastes of time. In Amp stations and Tech plants your team can slowly but surely peel away at the defender's generators and fortifications, and you feel like you're accomplishing something. Likewise, the defenders get the opportunity to get that feeling when they repel a certain pocket of attackers, or repair a generator just in time to stop a tank column in its tracks.

    Biolabs don't offer any of that; the cramped interior has a single, easily defended and repaired generator and points which are close together. The attackers have serious difficulty taking and holding objectives, while the defenders reclaim them too easily. This inevitably produces the boring, back-and-forth mindless camping that Biolabs are renowned for.

  9. KnightCole

    The current Biolabs SUCK.

    Cap points need bigger rooms. THe Bios just need an entire redesign.
  10. Lucidius134

    Replace new biolabs with pre-amerish tech plans

    Sincerely: everyone.