[BUG] Biolab geometry exploit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zeeteber, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Dualice

    That is a pretty enormous assumption.
    • Up x 1
  2. 3Hedgehogs

    So what about heavies and snipers dropped from a galaxy on other rooftops? Is it an exploit, if there are no stairs?
  3. Zeeteber

    Thank you Kayra. I am not talking about wall jumping and it isn't a hack. Wall jumping requires nothing but a brain and the ability to move you're character and the same effects can commonly be achieved by an air drop. Wall climbing (scaling almost vertical objects) is borderline exploitative, as Wrel mentions in the first video posted. That being said I was mistaken about how they were getting up there. Now that I know exactly how it is done it's just something I wouldn't mind them putting a rock over... Literally.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    I saw Sundies on roofs where I've never seen them before a couple of days ago (not since then).

    They were my faction so I din't complain ofc ;)
  5. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    It's a physics thing. Over 60fps and you can scale almost anything - but THAT location was available to heavies and maxes BEFORE that "feature" was introduced. I've been there with a heavy, a max and a harasser... (well the harasser only on that Indar biolab that allows for spider-tanks and harassers to get onto the bio).
  6. breeje

    i am all for climbing things for all classes, except for max's
    a couple of max's with support on the right roof and you lose the base in minutes

    do i think they are exploiting things, no
    if it's possible then it's allowed in my book, but i don't like it
    keep max's on the ground and small rocks
  7. FateJH

    Throwing my own hat into this ...

    When it comes to climbing the trees or the rocks to get to the roof, I'm fine about it.
    When it comes to something like the unintended vertical scaling maneuver, I get very concerned that some variable is being set to unintended values and causing a problem somewhere else. At the very least, I hope some developer has checked it properly.
  8. MajiinBuu

    I feel stupid for not knowing about this. So many missed opportunities...
  9. BartasRS

    same here, tho I play this game like 3 months only :D