Bio Labs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wily, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Wily

    When I first started a couple weeks ago, the bio labs generally produced decent fights, with people actually willing to defend it, choke points at the doors, and people on both sides slipping through the door to get in or out to get at the larger populations every now and again.

    I heard rumblings about changes that made them horrible to defend, but I don't notice anything other than a bit more cover outside and a couple more jump pads(?) Next thing I know, the fights there have completely dried up. What is it that suddenly made the fight die there?
  2. bPostal

    My guess? Everyone was able to get plenty of SC to **** out their rides and now most everyone is farming infantry at open, indefensible outposts. I have seen some good bio lab fights recently but they're not as large as they were a couple weeks ago.