Bigger magazines for Automatic Scout Rifles?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Tnsr, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Tnsr

    I wonder why the SMGs got that Cert option though their damage output is seriously higher than the Automatic Scout Rifles. I know SOE didn't spend any attention to the 20 round problem so far, but it is like a slap in the face they gave this option to a weapon that doesn't necessarily need it while the Automatic Scout Rifles would make much more use of 30 instead of 20 rounds. At least it would give it a fair chance of killing enemies while still dealing low damage. I somehow can't fight the feeling they intentionally did never buff the Automatic Scout Rifles to push the SMGs they knew would come out 3 or 4 months from the initial game release.

    So what's up SOE? How about a +10 mag size Cert option for the Automatic Scout Rifles when the sales numbers of the SMG are fine?
  2. DrankTHEKoolaid

    As of now, IMO the auto scouts are completely useless and I personally would not recommend one to anyone over an SMG. With that being said SOE could/should easily tweak them to make them an actual option over the SMGs. If I were SOE I'd probably give them a slight damage boost, lower their ROF by a touch, and have their damage drop off increased slightly so they would outclass SMGs at medium range.
  3. VoidC

    I agree with Koolaid's post.

    Something similar in this direction would be nice to see:

    Scout Auto: lower ROF and higher base damage > 167.
    Scout Semi: lower ROF and higher base damage > 400.
    Sniper Semi: +50 higher velocity and a bit better hip fire, maybe some additional attachments, flash suppressor etc.
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