Big suprise...the update won't be till next week.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. illgot

    Good, nothing like releasing a patch that breaks the game.
  2. MiZrY

    Blizzard ruined MMO's.
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  3. Matteh1990

    But the guy I quoted stated this game is an ongoing process AND that unfinished is a harsh term.
    Just trying to discover his logic.
  4. RavenActual

    Well after watching the past UES stream on Twitch, I can kind of understand why the team at SoE might have decided to delay the January 30th update. I believe that, in light of the complications during the gameplay stream, they could very possibly be trying to iron out the majority of bugs and issues present in the current release.

    Of course this is just speculation, but I feel that their decision to delay the update in order to hopefully optimize the gameplay further demonstrates that they genuinely care about the state of the game (and its players).
  5. Phyr

    They also widened the market and almost made MMO's mainstream (in the gaming genere). Only a hipster would see that as only negative.
  6. MiZrY

    Part of the problem. Every MMO has been garbage since Blizzard created WoW. MMO's pre-WoW were epic and had far more depth.

    WoW dumbed down MMO's to the garbage we all get today.
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  7. Phyr

    Pre wow they were the grindfest that we can't stand today.
  8. MiZrY

    You mean WoW is the gear grindfest that we cant stand today. It all about gear and instances....... themepark BS
  9. Cl1mh4224rd

    I doubt it. Hammering out a majority of bugs in a single patch is simply unrealistic. (I see patch notes for popular software that will list a dozen or more bugfixes in every update.)

    I believe the delay is the result of some last-minute changes (updates to MBTs, for example) and possible removal of changes that were scheduled for this update but received a fairly negative response from players through the Roadmap.
  10. Parasyte

    First of all, there is a large segment of the community beyond the vocal minority who don't even use Twitter, but they do come to the forums as this is the appropriate place for such information. Secondly, he hasn't been tweeting about it, he tweet-ED to say the same thing that was posted on the forum: "it's delayed"
    Don't be silly; their updates are nothing more than a brief sentence or two with minimal information. I don't think anyone is expecting much more than that. Let's not pretend that anyone is suggesting they use a lot of resources to communicate with us...this is the work of interns. :rolleyes:
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  11. MiZrY

    What ever the reasons for the delay.... it is obviously warranted at least in the developers eyes. I doubt they intend to piss off the uber whiny community this game has without a reason.
  12. Drsexxytime

    A big part of the problem here isn't the delay entirely, but rather the utter and disgusting lack of communication from these devs who post more often on Reddit, Twitter,, etc than on their own forums. Patch delayed? Tell us what's going on. Sure people will be upset, but instead of having 2 out of the 3 crowds upset, just the pure haters/entitled folk will be upset. The sheeple will never be upset at the devs even if they delete their toons and a plague to any game and it's community. But the in between "avg joe" people will accept easier what's happening.

    Is it so hard for you devs to understand how much communication means to your userbase? Especially in F2P games? **** of reddit and twitter and post here.
  13. TOP-Proto

    just a FYI

    no dev team in their right mind deploys a patch at the weekend. its like a rule - unless you want to work the weekend....
  14. Eclipson

    Are you just guessing that it wont be until next week, or are you serious? I really hope it isn't delayed that long. Honestly, the really should take the month tags off of the roadmap, because at this rate the February update is going to be in march, etc.
  15. Compact

    This is intriguing to me. I code too for a living, strictly B2B though. It's weird to me that where I see a pretty well working game, you see something you'd get fired for. It's actually a really good effort from SOE. There's a reason a FPS, or pretty much any game, hasn't been done in this scale before. Every game from the latest attempt - GW2 - to a supposedly well made MMO - EVE - suffer from the same culling issues. PS2 comes close though and it's the best attempt in the industry so far IMO, but stilll enough to get fired for? Perplexing.

    Or is it the bugs? My projects are small and even they have bugs. There is no way in hell a project of this magnitude doesn't have any bugs. You know that being in the business, so it's not the bugs.

    So, what is it that makes this such a subpar product?
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  16. OSUSentinel

    No no its not thats the whole point.
  17. OSUSentinel

    This is what im talkin about, there is always something that needs work and could be more polished.
  18. Reizod

    I think the problem with things like this is that SOE needs to hire MORE of these professionals! If PS2 is bringing in the money as Smed has been gushing about, then I don't see what this can't happen!?
  19. TheEvilBlight

    Contract out more code to hapless overseas programmers.

    Chances are it may be un-optimized and buggy, but...
  20. kill

    Newest NC nerf tweet from higby (paraphrased):

    "the Enforcer now has bullet drop".