[Big concern] Ceres and Mallory merging

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exoz, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Azzer

    I've posted some info on population/faction balance here;

    If you scroll down, I also posted info about the mergers. Ceres & Mallory, Cobalt & Lithcorp, the two European merges (I'm in Cobalt myself) don't look great population wise, either before or after the merges;

    Cobalt & LithCorp Average Pops Over 6 Snapshots:
    (VS / TR / NC)
    Cobalt: 30% / 32.8% / 37.1%
    LithCorp: 29.8% / 29.5% / 40.7%
    Merged: 29.9% / 31.2% / 38.9%

    Ceres & Mallory Average Pops Over 6 Snapshots:
    (VS / TR / NC)
    Ceres: 30.7% / 34.3% / 35%
    Mallory: 26.8% / 39.5% / 33.7%
    Merged: 28.8% / 36.9% / 34.3%
  2. Exoz

    Very well put, as you can see it's a big problem, after the merge, each of the other factions will have HUNDREDS of more players at peak hours, VS is gonna hug the warpgate. Also, the population of VS on ceres REALLY seems lower to me over the last few days than what you've posted here, I'm online 6-10 hours a day every day and yesterday on Indar for example we were down to 22% VS for hours. I really hope SOE is looking at this situation and will take some action.
  3. Azzer

    My population counts were across the server - taken from the character creation screen, and averaged over a period of 24 hours (particularly covering European prime times). It's easy to look at continent populations and assume it's like that across the whole server, but it often isn't.

    But even so - being at or below 30% average is bad, when you turn it into raw numbers of how many troops are on the ground, as I'll show everyone...

    At a busy time, a server will have between 4,000-5,000 players on (6,000 is server cap). If you take those percentages and turn them into actual players in-game at any one time if we go with 4,000 players...

    1200 Vanu, 1400 TR, 1400 NC on Ceres.

    Might not sound a lot when listed as a raw number like that, but 200 people - that's 4 platoons.

    FOUR PLATOONS DIFFERENCE. How much of a difference can you make on a continent with 4 extra platoons? A HELL OF A LOT. And *BOTH* the other factions have four extra platoons worth of players each on Ceres (and similar or worse for the other Euro servers being merged).
  4. Exoz

    Exactly, 4 platoons is a huge difference, especially if both the other factions decide to push VS, which they so much do these days when they see our population is so low, so they just feel like stomping VS with raw zerging.