Best faction now ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shetonas, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Shetonas

    why ? :D
  2. Alarox


    Tank: NC
    Infantry: VS
    ESF: VS
    MAX: TR
    ESAV: NC (Enforcer)
    ESAI: VS (PPA)
    ESRL: VS (Lancer)
    ESHW: NC (Jackhammer)
  3. esromf of the tr

    vanu has better everything really
  4. Epic High Five


    Best variety in guns means more fun for longer, and we've got the Reaper for low rof fetishists and the Jackhammer for shotgun freaks, shotguns attached to both MAX arms also for shotgun freaks, and the Airhammer which is great for every kind of freak. Also the Cyclone. ALSO THE CYCLONE

    Also we have the only actual tank in the game. The other two are just up-armored Lightnings or Harassers.

    VS guns are dull as dishwater and their vehicles are dumb. TR have good guns that are kinda samey, their 2nd gen SMG blows but their 1st gen is just tops. Also worth noting is that it's the faction that all hyper milsperg weirdos are drawn to so keep that in mind
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  5. TheBloodEagle

    Red Faction, Best Faction
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  6. Akeita

    I hate red and cranky old man

    I like blue and a chick as an announcer, and damage.
    Never expect Vanguard would be so good as a tank when looking at the poster
    Never expect our ESFs is a brick.

    I like purple and
    But, It's a trap, Papa Vanu is selfish, he kept all of ^ for himself.
    Laser, Flying Tanks and Disco balls is awesome, no bullet drop is nice ( I don't even know what bullet drop is when I started playing this game but whatever :D )

    Also, Papa Vanu's voice is awesome. Still selfish.
  7. Peter Daniel

    NC is the NO BULLET DROP faction:
    • perfect sniper = 1 hit kill (headshot) with no bullet drop
    • tank shells that hit the crosshair (same as TR)
    • Max AV have no bullet drop (and are laser guided)
    VS bullet drop was nerfed:
    • VS slug shotgun was NERFED and have bullet drop (seems legit)
    • snipers have bullet drop (except the useless new recharge sniper)
    • Magrider shells have high bullet drop
    The rest does not matter really and with the crapy Lancer damage drop over 450m (Phoenix is 300m)... :rolleyes:

    Basically NC have no bullet drop in what matters... VS have no bullet drop in all that doesn't. Higby joke.
  8. iller

    Air: TR still
    Infantry: VS
    Tank ...... would love to say NC here, but everyone knows the Average Stats of all players combined shows that Vanguard is trailing the other 2 tanks still somehow. ....I don't understand it either frankly, when I get in one, I go on a little killstreak most of the time. It even fits my sniper specialization b/c I only ever have to use it for Artillary support (to hell with risking my neck on the front line with the slowest gosh darn vehicle in the entire game ... someone else can do that crap, I don't get paid enough bonus checks for it)
    Farming Strategy?: TR
    Strategy in general? VS
    Zerg potential?: NC :rolleyes:
  9. bPostal

    TR. That's where my outfit is and my outfit is where my friends are.

    That said, I would love to jack Reavers and Vannys all day (while shooting VS weaponry)
  10. Goretzu

    They are as close to balanced, currently, as they have ever been.

    NC has still been nerfed more than the TR and VS combined, much more. It's also hardly ever been buffed, by all means try to list the NC buffs and see what I mean. :cool:
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  11. JudgeDeath

    VS is best. Afterall we are getting nerfed in the next patch ! :cool:

    It is an outrage that some server has more then 25% VS during primetime, that has to change !
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  12. Apples

    While I haven't played VS as much as the other two factions I never think of equipment when I think of the VS pop imbalance. What I think is deterring people is the same thing VS says it has going for it, purple spandex. Sure you have some burly female avatars running around with skin tight spandex hugging fat *****. However, you must admit that the majority of the faction is really a bunch of buff dudes running around in purple skin tight spandex, now with deeper voices thanks to the voice packs. Now tell me what about this doesn't sound like it belongs in a typical anime's depiction of a drag queen? I can't help think that it might be what's deterring a lot of people from playing it as much.

    I'll say one thing... I've felt the least desire to play my TR with how much moaning has been coming from them lately... I'm not really expecting that this patch of buffs will stop them.
  13. VonStalin

    mtb NC vanguard, hit F to win
    aircraft TR, ESF just feels good and agile..
    Infantry VS - the best MAX suit
  14. Vixxing

    LOL i can tell you for sure: VS has easily the worst Maxxes now...
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  15. PlatoonLeaderG

    All factions are equal in strength,they have there up and down.

    difference:How boring is each faction(not how effective! they are all good)
    TR:ultra boring
    NC:much fun

    Also you should look at servers,each server has its own OP faction.
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  16. Devrailis

    VS is such a well rounded faction.
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  17. Shetonas

    TR :D
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  18. Hatesphere

    you do know the rail jack has the same drop as the default tier 3 rifle for all factions?

    tank shells all drop and dont hit the crosshair at any real tank fighting range (VS is worse yes, but stop being disingenuous)

    laser guided max AV is a joked compared to the no drop VS max anti tank range ability if you know how to lead a target (also no bullet drop by the way)

    slugs were an issue, they were OP with no drop in their old state due to how accurate they were and the damage the had at range. I could use them as a semi auto sniper rifle in most instances. this was not good and needed fixing. was removing no drop the best way to do it? likely not. but imagine the whine if the slugs starting loosing killing power at range.

    all VS semi auto snipers currently have no drop compared to the other factions which do. as for bolt actions having drop, please refer to slugs/easy mode. VS would need to loose some killing power at range or have the drop. I would rather have the drop.

    now go spread your lies somewhere else. VS has the most weapons with no bullet drop (see almost all of them) which gives VS a slight edge when using suppressor and soft point ammo.
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  19. Magicool

    haah since the patch the vang shield is almost useless

    SOE buffed the **** out of TR and is now the "best" faction, u can already see it on the servers TR pop increases daily
  20. MongooseTwoFive

    Stupid sexy vanu.