Been along time since a good update....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by maximus, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. maximus

    Guess they forgot about game........ FPS is still the same so ya there killing the game with no content.
  2. WyrdHarper

  3. Oreo202

    Why in the world is waiting so hard? Just play a different game for a few months if you can't handle not having new content every 2 weeks.
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  4. maximus

    Well nice link they think there game is complete lolz ok..............
  5. IamDH

    10 days... You honestly can't wait 10 days?
  6. Necron

    Well, in all honesty if it wasn't for the PS4 we probably WOULD have had a content update by now. But since it IS a Sony game and a Sony console they have to make sure it runs like butter for release. It's just the way it works. The PC was a pretty massive beta test for the PS4 and we should benefit from the upgraded performance, but at the same time taking everyone off every other project that needed to be worked on was a little overkill.
  7. MasonSTL

    Been a long time since an intelligent thread has been made....
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  8. AzureKnight

    Problem is, most all threads focus on hackneyed topics that have been beaten to death, crapped on, then beaten some more and finally thrown against a wall before getting sucker punched a few times.
  9. FIN Faravid

    NC/VS camo nerf? All 3 factions agreed that sucked, and since SOE makes money by selling cosmetics it is pretty important.
  10. ironeddie

  11. MasonSTL

    Not sure if....
  12. Copasetic

    Rewriting big parts of the engine takes time. I mean I rag on SOE for a lot of things, but as a programmer myself I don't envy what they have to do right now. Cut them some slack on this and let them get it done right.
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  13. DeadliestMoon

    Oh he was serious alright.