Battleeye - whay the hell

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ian_M, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Ian_M

  2. BatmanApollo

    LOL, c'mon man, it is a ******** about ********.
    1. IF smby have some realy private information. It will NEVER be on HD with windows.(Becouse windows have a lot of backdoors, others sistems have it 2. But there are other way 2 solve it)
    2. It will never be on a PC with full access to internet.
    These ppl using unix-like. Like FreeBSD\ some Linux and solaris. And crypto containers.

    You know why? Becouse in PUBLIC just for 25$ ANY who know HOW. Can enter in your Windows pc. It is in public, just need to buy some useful information.
    But exist and other solutions for 100-500$ and much more....

    All who make a visible actons that they didn't understand it, just wanna cheat in game.
  3. Ian_M

    Do you understand english? What you wrote made little sense to me.
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  4. BatmanApollo

    Did you wrote carefully your link? It is about YOUR link.
  5. Ian_M

    Could this be a troll alert I wonder.
    Does anyone with any useful information have any information on exactly what Battle eye does, other than try to stop hackers.
    When playing it seems to stop the loading of the riva tuner statistics server.

    Any useful info appreciated and nothing from BatmanApollo is appreciated.

    There was no privacy statement when it installed and no uninstall for the software. Could this be potential malware?
  6. Pelojian

    link is two years old. stop scare mongering because cheaters can actually get caught now more easily.
  7. Demigan

    Now here's the nice thing:
    This battleeye is official. If it actually did steal account information and it is found out the backlash would be catastrophic. You are better off being disturbed about everything you put willingly on your phone, which contains far more personal information nowadays than your PC and people constantly download stuff that asks for their credentials and access to just about everything in your phone. There's programs that randomly take pictures and send them with your phone without your knowledge and eventually those pictures can be compiled into a shoddy 3D rendering of your room for instance.
    If battleeye was "bad" than some kind of virusscanner would have picked up on it. There's lots of people with virusscanners that check incoming and outgoing internet traffic for bad programs (For the most part the exact thing battleeye does). If battleeye was sending personal information, some virusscanner would have picked up on it by now and caused a ruckus when the info came out.

    So don't be afraid of Battleeye unless you are a hacker. Just like almost every single anti-cheat software it needs pretty invasive readouts to actually spot if you are a cheat or not.

    Also did you actually read the reddit page? He makes a lot of assumptions. "The files are stored indefinitely on the Battleeye server". What for? Unless it's a cheat that's logged to your account or it's actually sensitive data they datamined there's no reason to store it. Also all the info they got has been obtained by hackers... Who are the exact people that Battleeye is trying to capture.
    This is like criminals stealing police documents to prove that the police is corrupt, but only sharing foto's/screenshots of the work so no one can actually check if the data they got is actually legit or tampered with.
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  8. Ian_M

    I am not a hacker.
    If I was a skilled hacker with dodgy intent, could likely find more profitable pursuits than games.
    On the flip side do not have much in the way of highly valuable stuff on my PC.
    If you get some malware it can be a ***** to remove.

    Suddenly there is a new program that is not there before. I was curious & concerned.
    It is probably smart to be a bit paranoid with anything on the internet.
    I am not bothered about who knows which games I play.
  9. Pelojian

    battleeye is new to ps2 it's not new in general, that link you posted is 2 years old.

    look at the second post from that link, claiming that the original poster makes hacks for ARMA and sells them.

    do you believe the first poster because it sounds believable or because he claimed it first rather then the second person claiming the first sells ARMA hacks.

    you'd think by now if battleye was spying on people in any way don't you think there would be an uproar about it by now. look at the dodgey stuff other people have done like that free compiler that gave AMD systems sub-optimal code.

    don't you think if someone can reverse engineer battleye that they couldn't record exactly what files are uploaded and use that as proof that battleye is engaging in theft of private information?

    the two quotes at the bottom he edited in

    1) essentially means it will not record or upload private information

    2) essentially means that any programs running can have their memory read by battleye, if you do have sensitive stuff that runs through program memory if you don't want it read don't have those programs running.
    linked reddit post is nothing but scare mongering and the OP of that reddit thread is accused on the second post of selling hacks.

    other commenters on that thread make good points on why hackers would want you to distrust the anti cheat system and attempt to get you to put pressure on the companies htta make the anti cheat systems.

    if you really believe battleye is out to get your private information then uninstall Planetside2 and battleye to stop them.

    you can ether keep playing and have battleye looking for hacks on your system or you can quit.

    it's that simple.
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  10. Drag0

    BAHAHAHA! I knew stuff like this would be brought up - same thing back in the day when PunkBuster was introduced. All of a sudden people were worried about privacy and their ultimate super fancy gaming rigs couldn't run it without a performance hit.

    Battle Eye is working great - the game definitely has a better play to it now.
  11. FateJH

    That was in the previous update.
    You were forewarned.
    If we knew precisely what kind of information it collected, in theory, it could be circumvented. It might be a very circuitous circumvention, with lower payoff, but a circumvention all the same, the entry-point to deeper circumvention.
    If you read only the OP, perhaps. The further you read of the thread, the more sane everything gets.
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  12. Demigan

    Because people don't seem to understand "catastrophic consequences when found out".

    Imagine you are developing an anti-cheat program like BattleEye and are marketing it to game developers. The developers know that if they do datamining their games and franchises will take a big hit, meaning they risk being pushed out of the market as their income goes down. The entire purpose of the anti-cheat program is to keep more paying customers and improve the image of the gaming franchises!
    So the developers will ask for guarantees that these practices aren't being used with your anti-cheat and have some contracts. The agreement you signed specifically stated that only information about cheats are actually send and under no circumstances will they gather and send non-game related information.

    Now imagine if BattleEye still datamines your PC.
    BattleEye will be violating his own agreement and his contracts with the game developers he's supporting with his anti-cheat. Game developers are notorious for having deep pockets and lots of legal actions they can take. They will sue the anti-cheat developer for all the damage he's caused, and that's gonna be a lot. Then there's all the players who's information has been stolen who can lay claim. Your childrens children will be slaving your debt away.

    So BattleEye is an official program that has already undergone scrutiny from multiple game developers and tons of hackers to see if it actually does bad things. It has much more to lose than to gain if it fails, especially compared to standard malware which carries much lower risks of getting caught.
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  13. Mirta00

    People have crawled out of the woodwork for one simple reason. They paid for hacks and now they risk being made redundant. Little more than that.

    I'm long past interest in playing the game but someone emailed me with the 'BE is live' information in ps2 yesterday and I couldn't resist dropping by to see all the expected threads. Few people left me PM's saying that some of the people moaning at me prior are now gone...what a damn SURPRISE! Truth hurts doesn't it scum?

    You hacking types are an embarrassing, laughable and utterly pathetic joke. I hope Battleye renders your 'hard earned' *cough* cheats worthless and you go off and have a good cry. Boo bloody hoo. Its about time.

    Sorry for the rage to everyone else. But actually I'm rather happy. One of the people telling me to 'get gud' prior to leaving and a fan of the 'no hacks in ps2'. has apparently now lost his skill and is getting facerolled on Cobalt.

    You know his excuse? 'Everyone has off days''....funny how he didn't have any at all prior to now. Leave those downloaded skill programs turned off or get banned. Simple!

    I wish you all the best of luck with your game guys. I hope it improves and the server stability paves out and that you can return to investing in a game that some of you love.

  14. ObiVanuKenobi

    Who? o_O
  15. breeje

    don't worry, battleeye only finds your dirty photos/video's and send it to your friends and boss/teacher
    with full information when and how long you watched it
  16. NellyG

    Well said. Hopefully this will bring some players back into PS2 who left because of the hacking. Had lots of friends who got sick of groups like Iron Wolves, TR Recursion to name a few... cheaters like those guys will kill a game. It's so obvious they're cheating especially when you see stats like KD 8.2, 15.4, 20.15 and so on. I've recorded some of those cheats in MSI afterburner in the past like wall hacks, teleporting, and aimbot. These cheaters must be really be pissed lost their money hacks and probably will lose their PS2 account. LOL! I love it.
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