Battle Engineer Loadout

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Coliax, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Coliax

    I'm currently working on the exceptionals 1 weapons and planing (after i finish cyclon on my HA) to unlock assault rifles on my engineer (because i like engi and i hate medic) to get kills on the GD-22 AE.
    For this i would like to have a loadout that is focused on cqc/mid range infrantry fights.

    My first choice is Desperado as secoundary, ASC, Stickys, infrantry mines and Regeneration 5 as first implant.
    Im not sure if i should go for barrier or spitfire and what my 2. implant should be.

    Any advices? or what is our battle loadout?
  2. VhynSeven

    As a fellow Engineer(and enemy TR, but that's beside the point) :

    Regeneration Implant isn't that good IMO. I mean the 10-seconds delay feels like days when sitting in the middle of the fight, and the rate of healing is barely noticeable. I quit using it after I saw that waiting for the implant gave enough time for a Medic to show up and heal me faster.

    For the rest, it all depends of what playstyle you want to go. As for me, Spitfire, AP mines, and Robotic Tactician implant is my go-camp-that-point loadout. When my Spitfire is buffed by the implant, she is actually able to offer some cover as well as some fire power.

    When I have to go on the offensive, I would switch for Barricade and Medkits. Having a deployable cover is always nice in a pinch, and Medkits allow for a quick recovery when needed.

    For second implant, Hardened or the one giving resistance toward Concussion and EMP nades are nice to have.
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  3. Eternaloptimist

    I run engineers for infantry combat on all factions. My formula is:
    • Implants Regen and Battle Hardened;
    • Nanoweave armour;
    • Anti infantry mines;
    • Spitfire turret with option to switch to mana infantry turret in the right situation;
    • Sticky 'nade;
    • Various (5) primary weapon loadouts - high RoF carbine or shotgun for cqc, NS11C or BR for ranged shooting and Archer.
    I find Spitfire gets a few kills and also warns me or distracts attackers. AI mines get loads of kills and the nano plus implants help when you are in the firing line from enemy infantry.
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