[Guide] basic / advanced strategies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by akos, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. akos

    (it's actually a repost, but i believe it should have it's own thread)

    there are several strategic decisions you can make based on the force you control and situation. but for all of them capping is the main goal. there are several types of building clusters you can cap. i name them strategic, main and outpost. strategic places are fast to cap and gives you control over a small territory surrounding one of the main buildings. main buildings are those big chunks of architecture like bio labs and tech stations with multiple objectives like generators. and outposts are the small bases surrounding the main buildings (icon like an arrow pointing upwards).

    the basic strategy of capping main buildings:
    first you want to do is to cap most if not all of the strategic area around them. this leaves the main building isolated or partially isolated, witch decreases the enemy's influence over it and can make capping much faster at the end. the second step is to cap the outposts surrounding the main building. this not only blocks additional spawn points for the enemy but offers your forces a quick access to the main building via jump pads and teleports.

    for all types of buildings the capping itself has 3 main parts besides the objectives, like SCU and gens. one is to have people camping at the enemy's spawn point(s) and the second is to max the presence at the cap point. the 3rd part is to have supporting heavy infantry and/or air and/or armor patrolling the area on seek and destroy mode to keep incoming forces and especially sunderers interfering with the job.

    defensive gameplay implies effectively countering the strategy above. more often then not the enemy captures the outposts surrounding one of your main bases and they spawn a sundy and deploy them somewhere else. this leaves the outpost an easy target for you to cap. do that, and you can backstab and outflank leaving them clueless and surrounded. on strategic, if your forces are pinned inside the spawn point get a sundy from a neighboring base and deploy it 200-300m from the base. snipers can clean up the camping at the spawn point. if you find yourself inside a spawn point get an AA max since air is the biggest thread against your sunderer 200m away.

    tank battalions - they are particularly effective at capturing strategic areas and offer a decent support at the main building, however, don't expect them to last beyond a main building. the key of keeping a battalion effective as long as possible is to keep the formation together at all times, don't let them spread out. the bulk of these battalions are anti-armor vehicles but heaving AA and ammo sundys are essential. the nemesis of these formations are air armadas with a good number of gunships.

    air armada - the most effective support you can wish for. they are completely ineffective at capturing and quite vulnerable against AA especially AA maxes but a well oiled and equipped armada is capable of sickening amount of destruction. if you are in an armada and you go after a damaged aircraft, break the attack after 10s and fly back to the armada, otherwise most likely you run into additional forces or AA and you get shot down, coz there is nobody to cover your ***. and yeah .. use your eyes, never let your map icon overlap another frienly craft. flying close to friendly forces does not give proof of your skills but of the fact that you are a noob showoff.

    infantry - the most complex of them all. but basically if you attack you use light and for defense heavy. you can play defensively in an offensive movement, resupplying teammates reviving repairing and healing, or you can storm in with the first line. none of these offer you the guarantee of survival, so just play along and have fun doing it. the infiltrator is something that must be mentioned separately. there are 2 types, the stealthy snipers and the aggressive. the sniper just camps around and imparts headshots to other snipers and unsuspecting enemies. the aggressive is actually infiltrating the base hacking anything in sight, especially turrets. turret hacking 1o1: you find a turret maned by the enemy, hackit, the user gets dumped next to you, bodyshot, knife, get into turret, harass enemy :). |or infiltrate, hack terminal, span sunderer, deploy. an aggressive infiltrator can offer a crazy tactical advantage in attacking enemy bases. the infantry is only effective at the final push in both defending and attacking and open spaces is something you should avoid.

    - the best tactic is to use all the above and their weaknesses to maximum advantage.

    black ops:
    usually is done by a small number of light assaults or infiltrators and their main goal is capping empty strategic places and harassing main buildings.

    capping empty strategic places - is simple. you get inside, convert the cap point and hide. you can leave the cappoint unattended, it will still eat away. you might want to have the cap point in sight in order to take down anyone who comes near but this, only if you have a silenced high powered rifle or bolt action. the point of this is to remain hidden. if they manage to turn back the cap point, just wait for them to leave and then repeat. it is the most boring job of them all. but the strategic rewards are worth it. if the force you encounter is small, you can handle it by hiding and occasional hit and run and eventually the base will fall to you. if they spawn in masses, that means that you relieve the fight on your main force of your faction.

    harassing main buildings - are primarily done to relieve the fight on your main force of your faction. hacking terminals prevents them to spawn armor and aircraft close to the actual fighting and you might run into maned turrets which is an easy kill. it is primarily used as a defensive strategy. if you manage to troll a base long enough the enemy will break attack fully or partially in order to defend the precious main base. decoy grenades come handy in this situation.

    continent population and territory in control:
    you don't want to span at a continent where you are greatly outnumbered and the territories are not in enemy hand all the way near warp gate. this leaves you fighting against overwhelming forces on a spread out front. if the enemy pushes you back to the gate, then spawn light aircraft and pick up any air and ground targets that come near the warp gate. if you are under attack or badly damaged just fly back into the safety of your force field repair resupply and go out again. if there are several crafts doing this you might cripple the enemy enough for a counterattack. that includes the psychological. if someone is fighting next to an enemy WG and gets killed overandover again they tend to move to a different continent where they have more success.

    this is also a nice spot for you to conduct black ops depending on the force you encounter.

    never get into a position where your territory can be cut of. the enemy will jump to the opportunity with brute force and there will be nothing you can do about it. let your territory be nicely round.

    cert farming - though i hate this, this is what most of people do including me, sometimes. search for heavy fighting, fight and ignore all the above.

    - comment if i missed something or i am wrong
  2. akos

    SCU = ICU