[Suggestion] Base fix challenge. Put the PS1 tech plant in the test server.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TammelTR, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. TammelTR

    Let's see how it plays in PS2. That map was one of the greatest in any multiplayer game ever. I know PS1 had more features like doors and spawn tubes etc... but let's just see how the map itself plays. The raw geometry of it. Change it as little as possible and give it to the players for feedback. Base design is the foremost issue that needs resolution to correct this game, and this seems like a simple enough place to start. Even if it doesn't look pretty and its got the same textures from PS1... put it to test. Place it in areas on the terrain where it is surrounded by higher ground, on flat terrain, and sitting on the high ground itself. Hell make every base the PS1 tech plant. Let's see what happens. I think it will get us going in the right direction.

    I could go into a long boring rant about why PS2 base design is an utter failure but it's been done to death so instead I issue this challenge.
    • Up x 5
  2. TammelTR

    Come on, we have to start somewhere.
  3. doombro

    Those battles in the vehicle bay were always great. We already have a bit of a shoutout to it in the form of Kwahtee Mountain Complex. Shame about that teleporter though.
  4. Metalsheep

    This. Absolutely this.

    I would download the test server in a heartbeat to play on a PS1 Techplant base.

    I'd also like to see a PS1 AMP Station and a Dropship Center.

    I would like to see a shoutout base here and there. they dont have to make all bases like PS1 bases, but i'd like to see one or two here and there. Maybe even as Large Outposts rather than a Base.
  5. BobSanders123

    Support this please.

    Nostalgia event.
  6. patrykK1028

    Were there AMP stations in PS2?
    I hate them in PS2. Takes ages to spawn any vehicle in them. Same for Tech Plants.
  7. asmodraxus

    I'd like to see the odd drop ship center, but I'd settle for a tech plant.
  8. Crator

  9. TammelTR

    The base designs in ps1 were amazing and functional, nothing like the laser tag inspired nonsense of ps2.
  10. illuminati

    This is a really good idea, maybe an interlink too?
  11. Konstantinn

    Maybe they could have a whole retro continent/battle island with bases closely resembling PS1 at some point, just to appeal to the players that want this type of thing. Plus it would kind of celebrate where planetside came from. Continent might be too much work, but battle island wouldn't be an unrealistic goal for future. I personally don't think it would work well overall, though one area wouldn't have that much of an impact and would be a nice diversion.
  12. MuNrOe

    This is a great idea. Just chuck one in see what happens.
  13. Atuday

    Ok I'm down for this. Let's plug the geometry in and see what happens. Let's not forget the boxes that grant cover and the turrets while we are at it.
  14. TammelTR

    Exactly, any changes would be kept as small as possible. I'd even be for hackable force fields where there were doors until SOE gets some sense in their head and adds doors to ps2. The goal is to make the geometry identical, and that means every little box,crate,bed,etc.