Ban the person above you, planetside edition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Bindlestiff

    Banned for providing the most confusing ban ever
  2. VittorioPentiti

    Banned for still posting on forum of the game where he have been ban from
  3. Dennisz125

    Banned for being a magrider
  4. Rimaxan

    Banned for banning me.
  5. McMan

    Banned for being a tryhard rank 100 heavy who farms so hard, that the F button had to be replaced 3 times.
  6. SQPD

    Banned for reporting the BR100 heavy because DBG only loves heavies.
  7. Dennisz125

    Banned for falsely accused and since you're TR and TR's iq are known to be small
    There's the video to prove it
  8. LordAnnihilator

    Banned for accusing TR of being stupid, when you are an NC Idiot. Do you really think freedom from TR oppression will go down well when a link is made back to Earth? Please. :mad:
  9. Bindlestiff

    Banned for mentioning lore
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Banned for saying Lore.
  11. Bindlestiff

    Banned for *possibly smelling of elderberry

  12. PasitheeVS

    Banned for feeling like never seen him on Cobalt...
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for talking about cobalt
  14. PasitheeVS

    Banned for owning a Console.
    • Up x 2
  15. Bindlestiff

    Banned for not following me and my cult around Cobalt. And not acknowledging Lego games will always be better on a console.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for talking about lego games
  17. ALN_Isolator

    Banned for acknowledging the existence of a game other than Planetside. Blasphemer.
  18. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for banning me for banning someone who plays lego games.
  19. ALN_Isolator

    Banned for trying to start the 8th or 9th banception in this thread.
  20. Dennisz125

    Banned for starting/part of chaos that was stop at Saturday