[Suggestion] Balance the population on Miller?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AgentBryan, May 15, 2013.

  1. AgentBryan

    So, I migrated from Mattherson to Miller a month or so ago to escape the American timeframes for battles - good move. Except for one thing... on Mattherson, Population always seemed balanced, maybe with NC pulling forward at night while TR and Vanu were more on earlier. But with Miller, I've never seen TR dip below 50% population. In fact, Ive only seen one alert won by NC, none by Vanu - bear in mind, this is only my own experience. But, I never experienced anything like this on Mattherson.

    I actually talked to some TR guys while sitting in a TR Biolab last night and we all seemed to agree that TR were heavily overpopulated. Today, while talking during another zerg attack, many of us - TR included - were just stuck chatting about how the explosionspam was ruining the fights, and I'd say this is partly down the fact the TR outnumber everyone else so much that they can afford to just have 20 tanks bombarding every spawn room.

    So simply put... why isn't anything being done about this? I'd like to see recruitment for TR closed until the population balances out a bit. I've seen games do it before, and I don't quite understand why it wouldn't be done - anyone wanting to try TR could do so at a later date. Am I the only one that thinks this needs to be done?
    • Up x 1
  2. Patrician

    The population balance will change in the favour of a different faction in time, it always does. And at the moment it just means more red targets to shoot at.
  3. Mhaza

    I don't think recruitment should be closed. But yes, something HAS to be done. I've spoken to people and more and more people tend to stop playing due to this. The only thing keeping them in PS2 is their friends/outfit.
    I know TR complains about it too but none make an alt.
    TR had the largest pop since release. But it's getting worse. It seems the only thing to keep Miller a little bit balanced is by giving TR the crappy warpgates. (Well, the ones that are concidered crappy. I don't find the warpgates crappy)
  4. Ash87

    Close recruitment for TR on servers overpopulated by TR.

    If you want to play with friends or something there should be an appeals process, but by and large you shouldn't be able to migrate to, or start a new char on a server, in a faction that is currently overpopulated on that server.
  5. TintaBux

    It changed cause TR by far best faction now, and now they not at SE warpgate the 4th faction went back there.

    Before tr at SE warpgate it was pretty well balanced, tr only 4-5% ahead.
  6. phreec

    Amen. Kinda tiring seeing TR sit at 50% population on pretty much all alerts the past week...
  7. Kapernum

    You could switch alone or with your entire outfit to VS.

    For the good of the realm.
  8. maxkeiser

    Just give weaker factions permanent double XP. lol.
  9. shoolgate

    You can choose to go to Europe server. Where the population is fairly balanced. But the network latency is high.
  10. AgentBryan

    Double XP isn't any good when you have 5 guys against every one of your own. Yeah, each kill might get you almost a full cert, but how does that help you fight back?

    If anyone has any better suggestions, go for it, but I'd currently love to see TR recruitment closed - maybe with an "Invite-only" option from older TR characters.
  11. phreec

    Miller is an EU server...
  12. AdennTM

    You can't prohibit people from playing TR on miller, you just can't. They have as much right as anyone to play there. What you can do is make the preferred server for NC and VS be miller and for TR 2 other different ones.
  13. kennonfodder

    Fascinating to see a third of the NC team switching sides to TR after the alerts start

    What do you gain with it guys? 20 certs more? Shame on you traitors
  14. AgentBryan

    20 certs they cant even use on their 'main'.

    No one is prohibiting TR from playing on Miller, just stopping anymore players creating TR characters until the NC and VS populations have caught up. I seen a suggestion in another thread that was to prevent players having alts on the same servers, or to prevent character swaps for a time-limit after your last login.