Balance concerns: Infiltrator (sarcasm)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scan, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Scan

    So I hear SoE is going to work on game balance after optimisation, and has asked the community what we generally think to be overpowered.

    Well, Infiltrators are obviously overpowered for the reasons listed below.

    - Sniperrifles with supressors can OHK you within 30 meters, even when you use NW5. Obviously, nothing in the game should be able to one shot you unless it's within 10 meters.
    - The noise their cloaking device emits, distracts the team from their main objective, because everyone is going to chase and kill the Infiltrator, the moment they here the noise.
    - The exsistance of Infiltrators is causing a team to have atleast one useless Infiltrator themselves, while that slot could have been filled by something useful, like an Engineer, Combat Medic, or MAX unit.
    - Infiltrators can turn their cloak on and off at will, having it take a little more effort to shoot them. Having to take a little more effort is boring and lame.
    - EMP grenades messing up my screen abit, but otherwise doing nothing really. Removing my shield for an instant, after which is instantly starts recharging again is really annoying. Remove the distortion effect from EMP grenades. Have them only take away half my shield.
    - Faction colours on Infiltrators aren't still aren't obvious enough. I don't want to think about what I shoot, and I don't want stupid grief points because Infiltrators use camo.
    - Recondarts totally ruin the surprise effect!
    - Infiltrators can place mines. They don't kill you, but they hurt alot and give you a big scare!

    I'm pretty sure other people have similar concerns!
    • Up x 7
  2. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Don't forget that that we CAN USE SMG's!

    Thus that clearly makes us no skill, op class who can kill people face to face.
  3. DeathSparx

    Oh, and let's not forget: Since infiltrators are so useless let's give their tool to everybody else in the game for free and make cloaked infiltrators pop up on everybody's radar just to make it fair.
  4. MrMurdok

    Where's my OHK sniper knife?
  5. Scan

    They already took care of that mate.

    Radar/Motiontrackers, either on vehicles, or recondarts, pick up stealthed Infiltrators.

    Proximity radar on vehicles can see Infiltrators, see them even when they are sitting completely still. It's a good thing you can equip thermal on your vehicles' weapons, otherwise the Infiltrator might run away causing even more of your teammates to get distracted by the cloaking noise!

    Just think of the mayhem an Infiltrator could cause if he managed to slip by your tank!!
  6. Scan

    That will be released "soon", together with exclusive Infiltrator paint cans, which can used be to graffiti enemy bases to cause even more distraction!
  7. KnightCole

    Infil SMG, I find it incredibly annoying and in some ways OP. But does it need to be nerfed? I dont think so.

    Sniper Rifles should get a universal Velocity buff, with the absolutely worst rifles getting a velocity of 600m/s, the best getting 715 and HVA as an option.

    Also, BASR dmg should be 750@25m-600@125m

    Snipers have to work for those long range shots, reward them with a BOOM HEADSHOT!
  8. KuroShini

    Yeah infiltrators are so op whenever some skill demanding class like the HA kill me they /tell me "owned"

    (the sad thing is someone actually did this to me, it's like, you're playing a HA, killing an infiltrator as a HA is nothing to brag about, I mean maybe if I was half as good as mustarde or darkelf, but I'm lucky just to maintain a 1.5 KD
  9. Scan

    Infiltrators are so OP that when someone writes a post to point out they need help, the avarage intelligence drops by 50 points caused by people joining the discussion trying to convince everyone Infiltrators are fine.
  10. Get2dachoppa

    Ha. I can only laugh and shake my head at those kinds of players. I remember one Biolab assault that failed but I was the last Vanu left inside the base now crawling with TR all over the place. I ran around gunning and knifing, racking up a decent killstreak before someone finally picked me off when I was down to like a quarter health left. He promptly runs over and starts tea bagging me. Yeah dude, congrats. You're a badass. You finished me off in a place where I was outnumbered like 40-1, was already wounded, and I still managed to kill close to 10 of your teammates. /golfclaps
  11. KuroShini

    Yeah, it's just disappointing when you see players that insecure, plus I made it my mission to hunt that guy down and I killed him when he was trying to stop the generator from blowing, 3 TR in there and I just decided to ignore the ones shooting me and JUST managed to kill him, totally worth it :D
  12. Mustarde

    LoL hopefully it wasn't me who teabagged you <3
  13. Get2dachoppa

    Nah, I've yet to be on the receiving end of a Mustarde teabagging. Maybe some day I'll be worthy. :cool:
  14. Metal Insomniac

    Don't even joke about this.

    Because it'll be the one thread they take seriously and/or look into. :rolleyes:
  15. Mustarde

    Better link all my nanoweave rants and videos then!!!

    On second thought... nah, I tweeted it all out already. We're covered
  16. KuroShini

    You better take off your pants just in case.
    • Up x 1
  17. DeathSparx

    I know but it's just the concept of giving away our tool.

    ...kinda depends on where but thinking creatively, the ideal place would be a tech plant with an armor column forming up under the sights of a spear phalanx turret. :rolleyes: