BAD JOKE ZOE you think youll solve the ZOE broken BS by increase damage taken by 5 %

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Jun 19, 2013.

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  1. Regpuppy

    Vote to save my kind from the hate of these ZOE's. Do the right thing
  2. The Shermanator


    No better than the VS MAX.

    Sort of. If you squint hard enough.

    So the VS MAX role is to effectively negate the vast majority of anti-max measures, leaving only a very few options remaining to actually fight them?

    No, Tasogie, you really need to get over yourself. All of your posts are the exact same thing: Insult the community at large, accuse them of all being COD generation 'trash' (who the hell are you, anyway?) and screaming that everything's fine when there are clear cut balance problems in the game.

    Your vision of the perfect forum is one where people do not express any sort of concern for the game they may or may not pay large sums of money to. Which begs the question: why are you still here?
  3. Regpuppy

    If this was trying to prove a point, I don't see it. All I see is you running around blasting a few people and almost avoiding your own team towards the end instead of getting repairs. Then you randomly decide to rush a shielded door to which, you also conveniently cut it off before the killscreen. Even NC maxes with our shields can't get away with blindly rushing a spawn shield at that amount of health.
  4. Tasogie

    no I did not conveniently cut it off lol, I died because I ignored the two Muppets that were ressed in front of me... eg I died because I ****** up... I blindly rushed it, because its jsut an fps game, kdr has no meaning an it does nothing in this world. you run in an kill what you can while you can.... period.
  5. Regpuppy

    Then why use this video to try and prove a point? It isn't complete and it only shows you running around a barely populated biolab, and then rush into enemy guns. Any max would've died in that situation easily.
  6. The Shermanator

    You're not helping your case.
  7. Syphers

    Yeah what a joke
  8. DonC

    Is this why people cannot play unreal tournament?
  9. OmegaPREDATOR

    For ones I think devs make something good with 25%->30% nerf.

    Really, for MAX who can avoid 50% of bullets and 70-80% of rockets, with only strafing, that's seems really balanced now.
  10. Ash87

    Where is Stewtranslator? I usually waited on his reposts...

    Yeah, Zoe will do fine after the momentum fix. (Can't recall if this is in yet or not) just get yourself a rocket and use it like a shotgun, makes the ZOE piss itself and die.
  11. DonC

  12. notyourbuddy

    ZOE Max should run over friendlies when it strafes just like the Magmower does. That can be its fix.
  13. Joram

    Dude.... im not even gonna talk about the "avoid 50% of the bullets" this is Planetside 2 not Matrix, if you have any trouble hitting a max with a rocket just wait him to peak out of cover, if you cant hit them in the open you shouldnt be able to hit infantry, and lets be honest, its not hard to snipe infantry with a rocket launcher, i do it all the time with the decimator that has slower velocity and im not a "top" player.

    The damage increase is no acceptable IMO, a decimator shot already does more than 80% of our hp if you increase it even more you can 1HK with a decimator and very close to that with any rocket launcher, i rather get the extra damage removed or the ability turn to be energy based.
  14. NeverWas

    Bad joke, this thread is.
  15. OmegaPREDATOR

    Look at my K/D ratio, I can miss an immobile sunderer with an orbital stryke ! Well I may speak about (but not only) ZOE who shoot with really good accuracy from a range of 300m and more and destray infantery (even with dual bursters -maybe not possible after GU11), so trying to aim that straffing purple thing is not possible from so far.

    If they don't move, like TR MAX why not, but they run faster than a decimator rocket (maybe only lvl 5). Yes I will always run with a decimator on my hands, and be kill by every guy who pass near me ...

    For what I see till GU10 and ZOE even a NC MAX with the so OP dual hachsaw is useless when fall infront of a ZOE (already see a squad with 2 of that MAX just desappear in 3-4s facing only 1 ZOE, who don't need to reload after 6 kills).

    What we hear now is just that warning word "ZOE" and lots of guys run away (so poetic).
  16. Joram

    The ZOE max run faster than a decimator rocket... dude... a decimator rocket has a speed of 60m/s, that is 216 km/h... There is a lot of missinformation about ZOE, people see a giant pink lobster killing them and they yell "NEEEEEEEEEEEERF!!!!" Im gonna stop using ZOE after the patch, and im gonna kill you as fast as with ZOE, the damage with ZOE is barely noticeable if you use AI weapons, the damage increase of Comets its huge and its not gonna get nerfed, the extra damage taken with ZOE is huge and is gonna be increased, the always on is the bes bennefit of ZOE and is gonna be the same after the patch, again SOE is nerfing the wrong things IMO.
  17. OmegaPREDATOR

    I used irony to say they go really to fast comparing the default they have (maybe IF thay only go faster but not have weapon buff, it would be OK for me -like TR who have fadter reload time AND fire speed AND ammo speed-).

    Really ? But harrasser goes only at 80km/h and go faster. Strange ?!?!
  18. Stew360

    The speed is the problems not the extra damage BS
  19. Bankrotas

    I'm actually really bad at that, sadly, that game has best selection of weapons though :/
  20. DonC

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