Bad Dream: The Darklight Max

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. CuteBeaver

    Totally killing some time while the servers are down.

    I woke up remembering a few details. I was reliving the Waterson versus Ceres server smash, where a bug on PTS made maxes cost nothing. There were at least 40 maxes in that biolab.... and in my dream ALL the maxes had flashlights...

    What would be your worst nightmare to face as an infiltrator?
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  2. SCreech

    Ambient lights around bases converted to darklight :eek:
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  3. Rohxer

    That basically happened to me last week. I was sitting in stalker cloak on a balcony. An enemy max showed up and stood right next to me. About 10 seconds later, a "friendly" with a darklight ran into an adjacent room, lighting me up through the wall. The max, who was still standing next to me, saw the little blue glowy guy. The end.

    Strangely I actually had a Planetside-ish dream last night. First time I remember doing so. I was traveling somewhere in I think western Canada, on a mountain overlooking a city. Suddenly I was caught in some sort of rioting or civil unrest. I remember looking for my wife, spotted her blue triangle and told her we had to get out fast. Looked beyond her and saw a very large zerg of people running our way all with red triangles over their heads. The last thing I recall after that was noticing that they had a sunderer so they could respawn. Then I woke up.

    As an infiltrator my worst in-game nightmare is always when I empty a magazine on a heavy and he's still alive enough to hit his shield and fire. as he dances just out of knife range.
  4. Epicstrat

    If they brought back low graphics. If we were visible on thermals and night vision.

    Side note: is something up with ESF thermals? I was sitting, not moving, on a rock for almost 5 minutes. Infantry and tanks were oblivious to me as always, but some BR100 scythe swooped in and saw me instantly, while I was cloaked. I didn't move, and had sensor shield so it couldn't have been his radar, and even if it was that wouldn't explain his perfect accuracy, with no searching for me required.
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  5. Epicstrat

    There's a certain feeling of dread when you try to knife a heavy, but he pops his sheild. You stab him again, still alive, you stab him a third time, still alive, you are trying to stab him a forth time, but he's noticed you now and unloads an LMG into your chest.
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  6. Rohxer

    When that happens to me I send him a tell. If I get no response, or something ridiculous ("I saw you cloak" - even though it was minutes ago), then I type "/report" and let SOE sort it out. :p

    There's really no way for us to know whether it was a bug or hackz.

    As for ESF thermals, they were working normally last night. I was stalking an enemy infiltrator in the hills of Hossin with my thermal air hammer. As I lined up my shot, he cloaked, and vanished from my screen, so I hovered for a few seconds until his cloak ran out and shot him when he re-appeared.
  7. Ripshaft

    I'm not one for nightmares, my dreams always rock, but as for living nightmares, I think all infils share at least one common nightmare - their team full of look-im-over-here-run-to-you-from-40km-away-lemmings-hey-are-you-cover-i-bet-you're-cover-let-me-hide-behind-you-how-are-you-glowing-can-i-do-that-hey-look-a-bird-imma-shootit s

    Additionally the following nightmare has haunted me a few times recently;

    Cruising around the swamp in my renegade flash, looking for the enemy ams, turn around a gnarled root thicket - before me is a vision of supreme beauty - an entire pack of oblivious enemies, all bunched up in a nook, with a clear line of sight - completely oblivious. The blood rushes to my head, my heart pounds, adrenaline surges as I move just a bit closer. Gripped by glee and excitement, I decloak as I gracefully glide into assured murder range, tasting the bipentakill as I lick my lips.


  8. Get2dachoppa

    I made a thread about it months ago.

    To summarize: best guess is its a rendering problem. The way I understand it with my limited knowledge of technical stuff like this is that the game renders you first to that ESF flying overhead. Then the game realizes you are cloaked and renders the cloak effect on you. Pilot sees you, THEN you appear to cloak even though you had been cloaked the entire time. But by then its already too late because pilot already knows your position and its lolpods away. See the video below that was provided in the thread above.

  9. Rohxer

    I've had almost the exact same conversation with a few people. "I saw you right before you cloaked" when I'd been cloaked for a long time in stalker. I still don't buy it without proof. These are frequently BR100s with a high KDR, btw (one was even the leader of one of the "competitive" outfits). If they had responded "yeah I saw your radar dot and extrapolated your position" or something I'd be more likely to believe it from these experienced folks, since I've been able to do that on occasion. But completely contradicting what I know are facts, and blaming it on a bug just rubs me wrong. "I saw you right before you cloaked" would have been a great explanation before stalker, but it seems too convenient to blame bugs now.

    Yeah, I can imagine that maybe if they swoop in fast from a few hexes over, and just happen to be facing directly at you, there could maybe, possibly, be some bug that makes you render before your cloak, but thermal range isn't *that* far. and the shots are usually ridiculously precise for just knowing "about" where you are. I'm not naive enough to believe there are no hackers. I've seen the videos advertising the nearly undetectable ones. I've actually experienced the obvious ones in-game (walking under/through the world, super speed) and of those I was able to converse with, they readily admitted it, didn't even care, and were just there with a throw-away account to screw around.

    But since I prefer to err on the side of caution, rather than call hacks every time I run into a questionable situation (people have accused me of hacks enough for me to know better), I'm going to have to add that to my list of bugs to check next time I'm in the mood to do some video testing. I'd love to find a real bug here, because that would give me hope it could be fixed.

    TL;DR: HAAACKS! :eek: (or maybe not) o_O

    Back on the thread topic though - the point in your video where you are suddenly blasted - that is DEFINITELY a nightmare that I dread! And have experienced. Many times when I'm certain that I haven't been detected, but an suddenly riddled with bullets or explosive rounds, I literally jump in my seat!
  10. Rudmed

    I'm surrounded by vehicles, with not turrets, nothing to defend myself with them, and they all have.....scout radar. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Then the spot where I was standing was lit up by thousands of heat rounds. But I my imagination. It's the barrage of hellfire rockets that kill me.
  11. Rohxer


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ~+~+~+ NIGHTMARE!!!! +~+~+~ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    So I went and tested it. There is a bug that can let people who are paying attention and have their eyeballs in the right place at the right time see cloaked infiltrators.

    Video incoming, in another thread. Enough derailing of this one. I'll post it after dinner.
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  12. Moz

    You need to take a break from that stalker cloak! :)